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Old 03-21-2004, 11:40 AM
chazola's Avatar
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I think it's pathetic that you're supposed to do 55 on a lot of major highways- in Britain you can legally do 60 on two-lane rural roads- and plenty do faster than that!
I reguarly do 70-80 if conditions are safe, at least once a week on the turdpike here to give her a bit of a 'run' -continually scanning for smokies.
It really makes me sad that I'm technically breaking the law to get anywhere at a decent speed though.
I find my 300E is pretty crap for off the light racing, though if you manually shift it you can get going and leave those boy racers behind. The people who seem to want to race me are BMW's- must be a German car rivalry thing. On the highway at speed the Benz is king though.

1993 320TE M104

1983 230E W123 M102
1994 E300D S124 OM606 (x2)
1967 250SE W108 M129
1972 280se 3.5 W108 M116
1980 280SE W116 M110
1980 350SE W116 M116
1992 300E W124 M103
1994 E280 W124 M104
"music and women I cannot but give way to, whatever my business" -Pepys
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Old 03-21-2004, 03:02 PM
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This thread should be moved to the "open discussion" section.
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Old 03-21-2004, 05:45 PM
Ali Al-Chalabi's Avatar
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Posted by EC93SE

How do you know other vehicles were present or that the poster was, as you say "excessively speeding"? The poster did not specify the traffic conditions in his post. Although you might not ever exceed 55MPH in your MB, there are those of us who drive them as they were intended to be driven. It's(still) a free country and to each his own. Just my opinion...
I know because Evan said "So he gets to about 90, and i floor it.. As im about to pass.."

I may be no genious but if he passed someone after the other vehicle got to 90, I assume he was speeding. I also assume that if he was passing another vehicle he was not the only vehicle on the road unless he is suffering from a psychological condition, which I do not believe is the case.

Its amazing what you can learn when you read.
Ali Al-Chalabi

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Old 03-21-2004, 09:04 PM
84300DT's Avatar
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to give it some perspective

80mph is about 'normal' speed up here on I95 .. for the granny lane. not saying it's right but it's just a fact, at 80 you're getting passed like you're standing still.
1984 300D Turbo - 231k....totalled 11/30/07 RIP
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Old 03-21-2004, 09:08 PM
chazola's Avatar
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I need to move further north then...
1993 320TE M104

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1967 250SE W108 M129
1972 280se 3.5 W108 M116
1980 280SE W116 M110
1980 350SE W116 M116
1992 300E W124 M103
1994 E280 W124 M104
"music and women I cannot but give way to, whatever my business" -Pepys
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Old 03-21-2004, 11:23 PM
Evan's Avatar
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Yes I95 can be a fun road off hours.. For the record yes i was speeding obviously,, no there was not a lot of cars on the highway, there was no cars behind us and one car about 3/4 mile ahead of us.. who was apprently driving fast because we never caught up to him.
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Old 03-22-2004, 02:52 PM
Hatterasguy's Avatar
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I95 does have its good times. Sometimes during the middle of the week it can get kind of empty during the day. I remember last year I cruised for awhile behind an Audi A8 and in front of an XJ6 between 95-100. You really can get places much faster doing this.
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Old 03-22-2004, 03:05 PM
Evan's Avatar
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I have been on I95 at 2 AM coming home from Boston, and having me, 2 other mercedes and a BMW being the only cars on the road at a good average clip of 85-90mph.... its much better than switiching lanes to get out of a hyundais way
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Old 03-22-2004, 03:52 PM
vwbuge's Avatar
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I was coming home from a business trip to State College one time. On 220SOuth I set my cruise control at 110mph.

That was in my Subaru.
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Old 03-23-2004, 04:27 AM
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Originally posted by Evan
My theory is that the reason why Mercedes over in Europe last longer is because their whole life they are driven the way they were designed.. Not limited to pathetic US laws...
My theory is that over there, more people know how to work on them and parts are easier to get ahold of (and cheaper). So it's more cost effective to keep an older one running over there vs here. Not all highways in Europe are like the Autobahn.
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Old 03-23-2004, 10:34 AM
Jim B+
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Why cars in Europe last longer...

because they're not used as much.

Distances within and between cities, cities and suburbs, and even countries, are quite modest when compared with American geography. There are presentable transport alternatives available (various sorts of light and heavy rail, etc), and gas prices are WAY higher. The transport culture...even around much like it was in the US before World War II, when the auto generally stayed in the garage during most of the week and dad commutted downtown to work on the streetcar. The fact that so many American cars of the '20s thru the '40s were used sparingly is one reason I believe so many have survived in remarkably good condition.
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Old 03-23-2004, 10:40 AM
chazola's Avatar
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this is true, not all roads have limits like the autobahn, but speed limits are generally higher.

Cars get used less in larger metropolitan areas, in London my car could sit for a week without being used, as the previous poster pointed out it was easier, quicker and cheaper to use public transport. In rural areas you still need the car unless you want to wait 2 hours for a bus that you could walk faster than.
Over here it seems the car is taken everywhere, they're cheap, disposable and easy to own. In the UK you're considered well-off if you have 2 cars, so you tend to look after the one you can afford.

In the UK in daylight hours I used to average 80-90 for my 3-hour journey home, and that was in a 4-banger diesel Peugeot- sounded like the engine was gonna come out the hood any second, but I sure got home quicker. If you keep to the speed limit, you're in the granny lane and have 2 lanes of traffic passing you by.

The great thing is, most people are safely exceeding the legal speed limit(!), that means keeping up a constant speed (none of this speed up, slow down crap and tapping brakes every few seconds) and generally good lane discipline. Of course you get people weaving about but you just have to keep up your concentration

1993 320TE M104

1983 230E W123 M102
1994 E300D S124 OM606 (x2)
1967 250SE W108 M129
1972 280se 3.5 W108 M116
1980 280SE W116 M110
1980 350SE W116 M116
1992 300E W124 M103
1994 E280 W124 M104
"music and women I cannot but give way to, whatever my business" -Pepys

Last edited by chazola; 03-23-2004 at 10:50 AM.
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