I am having trouble removing the regulator on a 94' E320. I have remove the blower motor and the mount. The only way I could get the regulator out was to seperate the regulator from the heat sink. I connot get the heat sink out. There is a small piece of plastic in the center of the blower housing. I removed the front 2 screws. I can pull this plastic piece up a little bit, but not enough to remove the heat sink. I have ordered a new regulator and need to get the old one out. I would also like to clean out the blower box drain, but connot get it. Can I seperate the part of the box that sits above the drain from the blower box?
One other question I have is when I get the new regulator will it be the same design or will I have the get the motor and a new mount. I have heard they changed the design.
Thanks JKT