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Old 02-13-2003, 04:21 PM
Posts: n/a is a great site for DIY's

The website is fabulous. I just downloaded the entire auto transmission manual for my car. I have used this site many times before and have almost always gotten the help I needed immediately. Cost is reasonable at $25 a year- second year $15. Check it out!

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Old 02-13-2003, 07:37 PM
tivoliman's Avatar
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My browser required the www to proceed:

Question: What car are you subscribed for? Is it just a reprint of the service manuals?

In short, please tell us more of your experiences.
Thanks for the help
Bill Fisher

'86 560SL (186K) - Now a 'classic' : Registered as an Historic Vehicle
02 E430 in the stable
'14 LS460 (Lexus)
- - - - -
'95 E420 (198K) found a new home
'99 E320 (80K) (gave it's life for me as we hit a bumper)
'95 E420 (231K) Sold to a happy buyer, new to Mercedes
'90 300E (65K) Sold to an Mercedes Lover
'92 190E (215K) - retired to the salvage yard
'93 500SEL (214K) - Moved to another family, still runs like a young pup
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Old 02-13-2003, 08:50 PM
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i've subscribed for 2 yrs now and although it has helped at times i find that it is too general and doesn't get specific enough.when i've tried to learn more with a follow-up question to the site i've gotten no satisfaction.if it wasn't for this site i don't know where i'd be,unfortunately i subscribed before i found mercedesshop.this is probably all you need
'95 s500 (bought for wife but can't bear to share!!!) 125kms
'92 legend 180kms
'88 tbirdturbo(fantastic car-only regular maint.)120kms
'87 mustang gt(gone)
'86 tbirdturbo(gone)
'85 mustang gt(gone-but not forgotten)
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Old 02-14-2003, 01:15 AM
Posts: n/a
That's not been my experience

I find this site runs hot and cold. I have the full set of factory manuals- not the cds. Latest example: A couple days ago, I posted a thread asking where to find the transmission model number for my '84 Euro 500sel. I got NO response. I went to and found where the number was and the model in 5 minutes!! Once you know where to look, it is simple. You can't tell me that people who work on Mercedes don't know such a simple thing. I've watched the responses the techs give- generally the same as you said about alldata- not enough info! When I worked on VW years ago, these questions are simple for people who work on them all the time- no big deal. Its just when you are unfamiliar, inexperienced, that it is frustrating not to know what to do or where to look, etc. Then you need all the help you can get. I don't see that help here all that much. Sorry, but that is my opinion. The help comes mostly from the individuals who are caring and considerate enough to help each other. For that I am very grateful. Frankly, I don't know why the techs are here except for some ego trip. It is easy to develop an attitude and be very terse and stingy with your help. Just enough info to show you know but not enough to actually be of great help. That's why I got the factory manuals. And that's why I downloaded the automatic transmission manual(300 pages) because Mercedes refuses to give information on the automatics also. So ***** them. But they don't mind charging you a dollar for a five cent washer to seal the torque converter plug, however.
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Old 02-14-2003, 01:39 AM
Posts: n/a
Bill, in answer to your question

I first learned about the alldata site from someone on this forum. Even though it is $25, you do get a lot of specific information. You sign up for a particular year and car. There is a section which tells you part numbers and cost as well as labor charges. Quite informative. They list practically every repair you can think of. Since I was having trouble getting enough info on the automatics I thought why not check them- they were helpful with identifying the transmission. I am very used to working with auto trans manuals, I have rebuit every automatic from a 1953 ford to a 900 pound Allison trans in a tour bus. All I wanted was info. It was good enough for me to spend the time and crank up the laserjet printer. They even had dozens of service bulletins which I will also download when I get a chance. The second year is only $15 BTW. My experience with fixing cars(I have never taken any of my cars for repairs other than tires changed in the last 40 years) and I drive a lot believe me, is that you need more than one source a lot of the time. This is one of those sources, as well as this site and the manuals which are worth their weight in gold. Unfortunately, that's how they charge for them. Years ago, when GM made decent Cadillacs, you could get a manual for peanuts. The last couple were just given to me by the dealer. They had plenty and were generous back then. Try getting anything from a Mercedes dealer! I hope this helps, which is why I mentioned it.
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Old 02-16-2003, 02:20 AM
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Location: New Jersey
Posts: 402
With three older mercedes (relatively old) I relaize I need all the information I can get.

Several individuals have provided great detailks for the service of my cars from this site. Thank you all.

The 560SL has 170K miles, and is in need of attention. next project. I will be asking many questions - already have the manuals - in paper back.

I guess in addition to this site, may also be a site of support.

I wish to reiterate - I have learned some significant information from this site. Thanks.
Thanks for the help
Bill Fisher

'86 560SL (186K) - Now a 'classic' : Registered as an Historic Vehicle
02 E430 in the stable
'14 LS460 (Lexus)
- - - - -
'95 E420 (198K) found a new home
'99 E320 (80K) (gave it's life for me as we hit a bumper)
'95 E420 (231K) Sold to a happy buyer, new to Mercedes
'90 300E (65K) Sold to an Mercedes Lover
'92 190E (215K) - retired to the salvage yard
'93 500SEL (214K) - Moved to another family, still runs like a young pup
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Old 02-16-2003, 10:30 PM
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Join Date: Dec 2001
Posts: 577
I purchased an ALLDATA CD-Rom when I got my Benz used in '97. Very disappointed. Maybe things have improved. My experience has shown the MB CD and this WEB site to be the best source.
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Old 02-17-2003, 10:06 AM
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Join Date: Jan 2003
Location: Dedham, MA
Posts: 58
The one specific thing I use Alldata for, that I have not found elsewhere, is the library of factory Technical Bulletins. With a subscription, you can read and/or print all that apply to your particular model and year. They also list all the recall notices.

1992 300E with ASR
35 years of Diesels until now!
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