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2006 E350 Not Starting
OK, yesterday my wife drove to a grocery story and when ready to leave she tried to start it and it clicked (like a bad battery said I over the phone). She continued to try to start it and it started cranking like it normally does when trying to start but it wouldn't catch. I'm thinking there's a fuel issue or maybe fuel pump or filter? Sound reasonable? Unfortunately, according to the WSM both the pump and filter are under the rear seat inside the fuel tank.
I used to work on my cars but am limited now because of knee surgery. Along with the non-starting issue, I'm very unhappy with this used car bought used last Dec and it has not been trouble free. It has a CEL which we are told indicate problem with the counter balance shaft (a used engine would be cheaper than fixing it) and I'm wondering how to dispose of it? Would a scrap dealer give anything worthwhile? Just curious. Thanks ya'll... |
Ugh, hopefully it is a minor issue. The 2006 was known to eat the timing gears due to that CEL light/countershaft issue. My Mercedes mechanic friend warned me off of that particular year and model for that reason. If it has jumped time, the only real option is a replacement engine. Cost to repair the gears is ridiculous.
2006 E350 Not Starting
Hmmm... thanks. Let's hope it isn't the cam problem. You're right, having someone tear down and put one of these engines back together is ridiculous. If that happens we'll have to look for another used car., and this one will be scrapped. I'd put a replacement engine in myself but my health won't cooperate. Can't believe MB sold these cars with such a terminal problem. My car only has 160K miles - and yes the CEL is on - IMO engines should go at least 200K without issues in this day and age. I should have gone with my gut and stayed with diesels which we have driven for 25 years.
It's at the shop now but they're busy til Tuesday. Thanks for responding. Larry |
Jim |
Thanks for that, better than nothing (I'm in Va BTW). BTW, can anyone tell me if the 2006 ML350 has the same POS engine as the 06 E350? There's a ML nearby for reasonable $$ we might consider. Don't want another CEL at what I consider low mileage though.... wish we could find a diesel ML.
BTW, the scrap possibility is still on the table, it would be a shame to do that as the rest of the car is super. transmission is the smoothest I've ever experienced, the body and interior are great. I checked on used engines and they range from ~$500 to $3000. If I could physically do the work (bad knees) I'd swap engines. It might still be a possibility, but we'd need another car while i worked on it. Hmmm, this likely won't end well - yep, I can see that E350 going to the scrap yard... Last edited by l_turn9; 06-01-2018 at 10:31 AM. |
Wikipedia has a decent article on the M272. 2004-2008 are the years to avoid like the plauge.
Current stable: 1995 E320 157K (Nancy) 1983 500SL 125K (SLoL) Gone but not forgotten: 1986 300SDL (RIP) 1991 350SD 1991 560SEL 1990 560SEL 1986 500SEL Euro (Rusted to nothing at 47K!) Gone and wanting to forget: 1985 524TD 167K (TotalDumpster™) [Definitely NOT a Benz] |
Thanks, I have been a MB fan for a long time but IMO the 2000-2010 time frame was not get for MB's reputation. I have heard of problems on 2003-2005 S Class paint failing, etc and now I have been personally burned by the 06 E350. I can't imagine how problems like this got past QC at MB? Most of the problems I am (now) familiar with occurred at
< 200K mi. Seems like MB could have road tested them and found the problems before selling them to the public? But that's just me, being all logical again.... |
PM sent.
'89 260e (212K Mi.), '92 400e (208K Mi.), '92 400e (not a misprint) (146K Mi.), '95 C220, '81 240D--Sold |
2006 E350 Not Starting
Just learned my fuel pumps have failed. Cost to replace both is around $1200 and my Serpentine Belt needs to be replaced. I am probably going to scrap it or see if there's any other way to get some $$'s out of it. I don't thinking putting $1400 into a car that might grenade at any time because of the Balance Shaft Issue is a wise decision.
I want to thanks the kind person who sent me the Class Action Info . I may be excluded but have sent a note to one of the lawyers. Thanks again.. |
Where are you located?
Prost! ![]() |
0o==o0 James 4:8 "...let us put aside the blindness of mind of those who can conceive of nothing higher than what is known through the senses" -Saint Gregory Palamas, ---Discourse on the Holy Transfiguration of Our Lord God and Savior Jesus Christ Centrally located in North East Central Pa. |
Not likely to "grenade"........I've seen these things driven for thousands of miles after the balance shaft gear fails, just sayin'..........
I just realized I evidently failed to post the way my fuel problem ended. I questioned MB USA about the status of my MB regarding the Fuel System Warranty Extension I had heard rumors of. I rec'd a reply saying my 06 E350 had "fuel system components" (and other weasel words) covered by the 20 year factory warranty. Even the towing cost would be covered. I naturally I had my car towed and told the dealer about the fuel smell I noticed (this is critical) and they said "Perfect, we'll call when it's ready." I had them do some other things while it was there and picked it up a few days later for $150 Vs over $1400 my Indy had quoted. I also rec'd a notice from MBUSA saying my SBC Braking system was covered by a 25 yr warranty if my E Class was so equipped! I must admit, MB treated me pretty well IMO. Many of the E Class from 03 to 08 are covered. Send MBUSA your VIN to be sure. Good luck
Thanks for the update, and glad it worked out for you.
Prost! ![]() |
Only if code 1200 and 1208 appear is it balance shaft failure, if you get 1200 by itself =timing chain is stretched
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