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Old 01-13-2016, 10:00 AM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 5,061
Strangest thing, after several false starts with the battery charger, the 560SEL battery "appears" to be charging though the indicator gauge hasn't moved in the last twelve hours. I have the battery caps off; three of the cells are "bubbling", the other three aren't doing anything. I'll watch it today and report back.

On another note, I found the receipt for the purchase of this battery, March, of 2008. The battery has a free two year replacement with 72 month pro rated. Since it is WAY past the 72 month mark, it is worth zero on a trade-in for a new battery. For an el cheapo, (just under $100), I'd say I got my monies worth out of it.....

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Old 01-13-2016, 06:35 PM
Hit Man X's Avatar
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Thumbs up

Dead battery is worth about $7-10 as a core here.
I'm not a doctor, but I'll have a look.

'85 300SD 245k
'87 300SDL 251k
'90 300SEL 326k

Six others from BMW, GM, and Ford.

Liberty will not descend to a people; a people must raise themselves to liberty.
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Old 01-14-2016, 02:20 PM
Zacharias's Avatar
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You can also get desulphators as stand-alone units on eBay for the $20 range, one of which is made in the USA. I mention this as I am skeptical of conventional chargers that advertise they "condition" worn batteries. I know Porsche supplies CTEK to customers so perhaps they do have the required magic.

You must use a desulphator with a charger, however. Some of the vendors neglect to mention that.

I have had some success with the stand-alone desulphators, a USA-made one (which I accidentally broke) and one that came from the UK, of all places. Only the UK one explained the need to use a charger... use of the desulphator alone on a really weak battery will kill it off for good.

Using the desulphators, I resurrected two very old diesel batteries that came in cars I purchased that had sat for extended periods. One was a Bosch, the other a Varda (sp?). While neither recovered enough to use year-round (too weak for winter conditions), both went from near zero on load tests to a high "weak" load rating... enough for starting on mild days.

In both cases my pricey "reconditioning" battery charger declared the batteries dead, shut itself off and said good night and good luck....

Just FYI.

2002 e320 4matic estate│1985 300d│1980 300td
Previous: 1979 & 1982 & 1983 300sd │ 1982 240d

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Old 01-15-2016, 07:41 AM
Stretch's Avatar a shield of steel
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Originally Posted by Zacharias View Post
...and one that came from the UK, of all places...
Hey you!

I might just have to start a minority action group!

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1981 W123 300D ~ 100,000 miles / 160,000 km - project car stripped to the bone
1965 Land Rover Series 2a Station Wagon CIS recovery therapy!
1961 Volvo PV544 Bare metal rat rod-ish thing

I'm here to chat about cars and to help others - I'm not here "to always be right" like an internet warrior

Don't leave that there - I'll take it to bits!
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