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Old 05-22-2013, 02:20 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 5,061
Stripped phillips head bolt holding in fuel filter on 1991 560SEL

OK, I think I got some bad gas (possibly water and/or dirt, car lugs out bad at low RPM or idle, will die if I don't keep RPMs up when at a stop). so.....I'm in the process of changing out the fuel filter and will add HEET to the fuel tank and fill up with gas and pray.

Unfortunately, I stripped out the phillips head on the bolt that holds the fuel filter in.

In order to extract the bolt, I purchased a Craftsman Drill-Out Micro Power Extractors kit from our friends at Sears. The bolt measures .19 inches in diameter which means I should use the #10 M5 extractor size.

My drill has a right hand drive and is reversible. The instructions say to always use the drill in the reverse (counter clockwise) setting and to drill at very low speed, approximately 75 to 100 rpm. When drilling, never let cutter revolve against the bolt without cutting.

The instructions say "Stop drilling every 10 seconds or 1/16" (2mm) of depth, to clean out chips from hole and add cutting oil to hole. Veryfiy each time that you are drilling on center and straight." I looked around my pile of goodies and located some Gunk Super Oil "The Premium Household Oil". Will this oil work in this scenario or do I need to go buy actual cutting oil??

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Old 05-22-2013, 02:33 PM
Posting since Jan 2000
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 7,320
If you're talking about the screw on the clamp for the prefilter hose, just cut the clamp and buy a new one, or both of them.

Hope this helps.

Whoops.... scratch that. I just came from the diesel discussion and had 240D on the brain when I wrote the above answer.

You might try cutting a slot across it with a Dremel tool and a cut off wheel. Then use a flat blade on it.

A trick for next time you deal with a stubborn phillips screw: mix up a paste of water and scouring powder. Make the paste with very little water, just enough to make it as thick as mayonaise. Then stick the philips screwdriver in the paste and then use it on the screw. It works great for gripping the screw.
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Old 05-22-2013, 03:25 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 5,061
Originally Posted by Air&Road View Post
If you're talking about the screw on the clamp for the prefilter hose, just cut the clamp and buy a new one, or both of them.

Hope this helps.

Whoops.... scratch that. I just came from the diesel discussion and had 240D on the brain when I wrote the above answer.

You might try cutting a slot across it with a Dremel tool and a cut off wheel. Then use a flat blade on it.

A trick for next time you deal with a stubborn phillips screw: mix up a paste of water and scouring powder. Make the paste with very little water, just enough to make it as thick as mayonaise. Then stick the philips screwdriver in the paste and then use it on the screw. It works great for gripping the screw.
OK, I'll try the dremel tool trick before I try the extractors. Just in case I need to, would you happen to know if the Gunk Super Oil will work as a cutting oil? I'm thinking any good lubricating oil should work.....the purpose is to lubricate and cool the drill bit.......
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Old 05-22-2013, 04:37 PM
Posting since Jan 2000
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 7,320
Most anything will work as cutting oil for a drill bit. I'm assuming that you're asking about it for a drill bit and know not to use cutting oil with a dremel cutoff wheel.

I like Aerokroil as a cutting oil for such situations. Wouldn't hurt to try to get some around the screw and bang on things with a hammer before trying to remove it. I've never seen a better penetrating oil than Aerokroil, although it's hard to find. Try an industrial supply like Fastenal as a source.

Best of luck with it.
2001 SLK 320 six speed manual
2014 Porsche Cayenne six speed manual

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Old 05-22-2013, 04:47 PM
Join Date: Dec 2007
Posts: 5,061
Yes, I'm asking about the cutting oil for the extractor, not the Dremel. I thought an self-impact style screw driver (one you bang on the end with a hammer to break loose the screw) might work but the fuel filter/fuel pumps are in mounts that aren't very solid/sturdy. I can't really bang on the screw head too hard; I'm concerned that I could break the mount itself and end up with a massive fuel leak. If the Dremel idea (cutting a flat slot so a flat screw driver will fit) doesn't work and the extractor fails for whatever reason, I'm planning on cutting the head off with a Dremel and grabbing the bolt with Vice grips and unscrew it that way.

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