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Old 03-12-2013, 12:44 PM
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Join Date: Feb 2013
Posts: 10
W126 Needs Help (Leak/Venting/Dash Light)

This might be a long read, but I wanted to give all the details:

My economy gauge hasn't been working for a while along with dash lights. I figured this past weekend i check all the fuses/clean the rheostat. When I removed my cluster (so much easier to remove the front speaker and push then using coat hanger!) I noticed the vacuum line wasn't hooked to the back of the speedo (perfect easy fix). I cleaned my rheostat but still no dash light I checked all fuses all are perfect?? So I'm lost maybe order a new rheostat? Or jump this to see if it works??.

Also I noticed this plug behind the cluster, what is this for looks like a ground maybe this might be the key for my dash lights?

Regardless I put everything back, turned the car on and my economy gauge worked!! Next morning I turned in the heater but only cold air come out the vents? But when I switched to window defroster it was hot?? So I removed cluster and took out the vacuums line, and now I had heat again?? But now I get no air from my middle vents only the top or bottom. What possibly went wrong where my middle vents stopped working??

Lastly I just ordered full interior leather/pads/carpet to replace the old. I noticed my back seats foot rest are wet? I removed my carpet and noticed the sound damping mat was soaked!! I have no idea where it's coming from? Only clues I have are the front window where the motor&regular are had some water, also when I lift open my trunk water falls out from the part near the Mercedes logo from the side portion? I attached few photos where would the drain plugs be on this car? But the carpet near the front door is dry as a bone so I'm not sure that is the cause, and the trunk leak has no water on the bench area so it can't trickle down or there would be water under the rear bench correct?

Any help is greatly appreciated!

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Old 03-12-2013, 02:12 PM
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No idea on what's going on with the heater. In the first pic that looks like a fiber optics connection, which is how many if not all of the switches are illuminated in the dash and possibly the shifter as well. There should be a white plastic socket that the fiber optics connector attaches to.
You would probably need a new dimmer for the dash lights, you can check for power at the connector first. Could be blown bulbs too I suppose?
Water in the door I would suspect is the outer weatherstrip, also do you have the plastic shielding in place? I don't see it in the pictures, you may have peeled it up for the pictures though.

Water in the floor i am wondering if the sunroof drains are plugged or disconnected.
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Old 03-14-2013, 09:00 AM
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Join Date: Dec 1999
Location: Utrecht, the Netherlands
Posts: 416
My wet carpets were caused by a blocked drain of the air intake under the windscreen wipers.

Took the mats out and went to the carwash, water came in from under the dashboard.

After I cleaned the drains and dried the insulation (took some time) no more mushy smell.

The wet motor&regulator can be caused by condensation.


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