Yes this seems to be a shameless plug, but here it goes anyways. For any members here that are/were members of the CT/Westchester County Section of the MBCA, I am here to announce that the section is back up and running. Today we had our first event of the season and under the new leadership. A member unveilied a car that he had purschased from a private collection, and unbeknowngst to his wife, it was a 25 anniversay gift to his wife who was on hand. The car was originally used by MB for the Brussels autoshow in 1968.
The important thing here is the section is back up and running. We will have our own website soon as well as a newsletter. We are planning on doing driving events, Tech sessions, caravaning to car shows, etc. So, do be on the look out for it.
Thank you and Happy Motoring,