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Old 09-27-2008, 08:25 AM
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Originally Posted by braverichard View Post
Of course you always have to assume worst on a purchase but you can reduce the degree of horrors you'll experience by going after the cleanest, best maintained example you can get.

Tell me, how much did you pay for yours and how many miles did it have at the time, if you're ok with disclosing it? Thanks.

Oh I agree, the more records the better... but you still just NEVER know as finding a competent mechanic on vintage Euro iron is difficult as short cuts could have been taken or how lazy the person working on the vehicle is/was. Take my 750iL, came with near $25k in receipts ($6500 within the past year before my purchase at a DEALER)... the M70 V12s always need intake manifold gaskets with age (mine only has about 122k now). Well why would the shop just replace those and not the valve cover gaskets? They were obviously leaking.

Take my 560, found out it has a new chain rolled in... but still was on an original radiator and the AC system was near empty when I picked it up. Who would go through all that hassle and not replace a radiator. I've never priced out a chain install, but I work slow and takes me 3-5 hours plus the cost of the chain... sounds like a $500 job at minimum. The CIS system has been adjusted also, again... not free.

Paid around $3600 all said and done I think it was for that 560 (My SD and 300SEL are the best purchases I have made... about $1500 and $1000). Around 138k. Base model 560 (no four place, no rear sunscreen, no CD, etc). SLS pump was leaking, needed a brake job front to rear, typical oil level sender oil leak, AC was near empty, some dead vac pods for HVAC, cracked rotor/old cap/wrong plugs, etc. If the car was like new like it is almost now, I'd have expected it to fetch $3-5k more probably depending on buyer/market, I have attached a pic for idea of interior. Driver side is just as clean also. Paint isn't perfect, but I'd say a good 7.5-8, clear is great and car waxes up well.

Most of the issues it had I find are common across the board for the W126 so fix them once and forget about it for ten years, you will find this MUCH more user friendly to operate on over the W140. Figure I have put $1-1.2k into it, which I'd consider necessary for just about any old vehicle (all fluids, belts, hoses, ign system, etc, etc) plus the required bits I had to have done like brakes, shocks, etc. I do my own labor and enjoy it, so it doesn't bother me saving a good sum of cash up front... I can put that extra play money into another car.

This is a buyers market for everything, show up with cash and be prepared to walk (I'm sure you know, buy for paint, then interior, then mechanical). Euro cars have that stigma which is good for you to purchase and bad for the seller.

I'm looking for a nice 500sel (ECE prefer or US) or 420sel for the condo, just depends what I find at the time.

Sorry to ramble on, feel free to contact me if you need.

I'm not a doctor, but I'll have a look.

'85 300SD 245k
'87 300SDL 251k
'90 300SEL 326k

Six others from BMW, GM, and Ford.

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Old 09-27-2008, 09:39 AM
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Originally Posted by Hit Man X View Post
This is a buyers market for everything, show up with cash and be prepared to walk (I'm sure you know, buy for paint, then interior, then mechanical).
This is a very true point, I don't think these cars can get cheaper. Search through the craigslist for 560SEL, find the oldest ad and ask them if it's for sale.

I bet more often then not, it will be. I know a fellow who just picked one up for $280 and it runs pretty well. It has had a rough life but he has a lot of spare cash to fix it.

The benefit of the W126 is that compared to other cars of the era (lexus LS 400, BMW 750il) it's actually quite simple and can be worked on by the hobby mechanic.
With best regards

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Old 09-27-2008, 11:14 AM
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Originally Posted by alabbasi View Post
This is a very true point, I don't think these cars can get cheaper. Search through the craigslist for 560SEL, find the oldest ad and ask them if it's for sale.

I bet more often then not, it will be. I know a fellow who just picked one up for $280 and it runs pretty well. It has had a rough life but he has a lot of spare cash to fix it.

The benefit of the W126 is that compared to other cars of the era (lexus LS 400, BMW 750il) it's actually quite simple and can be worked on by the hobby mechanic.

Yes! The only reason I have the E32 V12 is due to the history, I paid right around $4k for it... twice what they "typically" go for... but had MASSIVE records. That is not something I'd want without history, or even consider.

My old lady had a '96 LS400 for around a decade, total pain to work on... I mean even the most trivial was irritating like the oil change. Who had the idea to put the oil filter ABOVE the AC lines? Air filter assembly was a terrible design. PS pump above alt... Mechanically the motor/trans held up great, but not user friendly in the least bit. Interior felt cheap to me and didn't hold up how it should have.
I'm not a doctor, but I'll have a look.

'85 300SD 245k
'87 300SDL 251k
'90 300SEL 326k

Six others from BMW, GM, and Ford.

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Old 09-27-2008, 11:34 AM
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I appreciate your "rant", haha, the more details the better, so please keep "ranting" I'll take a look at that low mileage 560SEL this weekend in broad daylight, if I don't like what I see I'll walk. If I like the colors I'll bargain hard, yes indeed, these are hard times and gas prices are high so I'll use those factors to my advantage. I can tell the guy wants to sell, he even called me yesterday to see when I wanted to check out the car during daylight hours. Just might be an opening for me.
1999 Mercedes-Benz S600, 103K miles - garage queen
1988 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL, 89K miles - daily driver
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Old 09-27-2008, 12:13 PM
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One of the things that comes with a "simple" 126 is no diagnostic system, or virtually no diagnostic system. I find the next generation "complexity", which is not really all that complex and is in many ways improved, to be a good trade-off in light of the nice diagnostic systems that comes with it.
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Old 09-27-2008, 09:11 PM
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That's true, that's one of the reasons why many hardcore Benz enthusiasts believe the W126 is the best all around Benz ever, because it is sort of the middle ground between the super bullet proof and complication-free but rust bucket W123 and the later 90s models (W124, W140, etc) with their electronics and lack of simplicity. I love the W140, my S600 is such a great car that even though I initially planned to drive it only in the summer and sometimes in the winter for just long trips, I've ended up insuring it all year round and driving it a lot more. In fact, if it weren't for the much more expensive gas it needs (and needs much more of in quantity ) I may have driven it more than my Hyundai. However my love for the W126 is still there, I've always wanted a 560SEL and now I'm out to get one.
1999 Mercedes-Benz S600, 103K miles - garage queen
1988 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL, 89K miles - daily driver
2007 Hyundai Sonata Limited, 31K - daily driver
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Old 09-27-2008, 09:27 PM
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Now a 300E W124 (12 valve) is a fairly simple car to own/maintain. Fairly well balanced and decently quick. Great lil daily unit, I just prefer the sheer mass of the W126... just not the LWB W126 with an M103

Good chum of mine had one for years before he got clipped and it was totaled.
I'm not a doctor, but I'll have a look.

'85 300SD 245k
'87 300SDL 251k
'90 300SEL 326k

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Old 09-27-2008, 10:04 PM
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Actually you're right, the W124 chassis models weren't complex, their replacement was for sure though. Gotta love the W126, design, length, size, all too good.
1999 Mercedes-Benz S600, 103K miles - garage queen
1988 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL, 89K miles - daily driver
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Old 09-28-2008, 11:14 PM
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Man, saw the car today, what a beauty. Brand new tires, paint is a 9 out of 10, low mileage of 87,000 backed up well with service receipts. The car has never seen a service shop that's not an MB dealer!!! Owner spared no dollars on it -- he can afford it, I just learned he's a real estate tycoon who owns 54 rental homes. Nitrogen chambers on rear suspension were replaced last year, new brakes (pads and rotors) as well as brake fluid flush, A/C is still original R-12 and blows cold, belts were replaced last year. Only minuses are the two switches that don't work plus there's a squeaking noise when you turn the steering, something we both couldn't quite isolate and the car's idle is not 100% smooth, but I think the timing just needs adjustment.

Regarding the color, the interior is chocolate brown, actually not bad, the silver exterior is razor sharp, as he pulled up to our meeting point I just admired the car, very beautiful.

I don't know, I probably can't afford the car, honestly speaking I think in good times it can fetch every cent of his $8900 asking price, it probably can't fetch that price today due to the economic environment everyone is well aware of, but it is a really nice, well maintained car.
1999 Mercedes-Benz S600, 103K miles - garage queen
1988 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL, 89K miles - daily driver
2007 Hyundai Sonata Limited, 31K - daily driver
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Old 09-29-2008, 02:30 PM
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That price range you can be in a 300hp ECE 560sel. I paid about half that for my 750iL with records out the...

The brown interior kills the resale. I parted an SDL that had that interior color and was that piss/camel yellow exterior. Awful combo.

54 homes is a pile, I thought I had a bunch at 17.
I'm not a doctor, but I'll have a look.

'85 300SD 245k
'87 300SDL 251k
'90 300SEL 326k

Six others from BMW, GM, and Ford.

Liberty will not descend to a people; a people must raise themselves to liberty.
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Old 09-29-2008, 07:45 PM
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I tell you, that interior color is something I want to think over. I actually like it, it looks cool but I also thought of its possible impact on resale value. I don't know, I just might offer him $6000, no more than $7000.

Regarding houses, yeah, the man's father is a top dog. Do you personally tend to your 17 rental homes?
1999 Mercedes-Benz S600, 103K miles - garage queen
1988 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL, 89K miles - daily driver
2007 Hyundai Sonata Limited, 31K - daily driver
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Old 09-29-2008, 09:04 PM
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Originally Posted by braverichard View Post
I tell you, that interior color is something I want to think over. I actually like it, it looks cool but I also thought of its possible impact on resale value. I don't know, I just might offer him $6000, no more than $7000.

Regarding houses, yeah, the man's father is a top dog. Do you personally tend to your 17 rental homes?

The brown is different, but sure isn't up my alley. Most don't care for it, so if you like it... use that to your advantage.

Such as do I repair them myself? Usually not, I tend to farm out the labor as my time is worth more... plus I prefer to relax playing with the cars with my limited energy.
I'm not a doctor, but I'll have a look.

'85 300SD 245k
'87 300SDL 251k
'90 300SEL 326k

Six others from BMW, GM, and Ford.

Liberty will not descend to a people; a people must raise themselves to liberty.
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Old 09-29-2008, 09:32 PM
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Something that can stop this car dead is old age timing chain rails and cam oiler tubes. Might be worth investigating. Good Luck
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Old 09-30-2008, 06:14 PM
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I thought about that earlier, however I think that if the oil changes have been done within the proper mileage intervals that wouldn't be an issue right?

I guess I can take off the valve covers to check, but how do I know if the rails and lubes are bad?
1999 Mercedes-Benz S600, 103K miles - garage queen
1988 Mercedes-Benz 560SEL, 89K miles - daily driver
2007 Hyundai Sonata Limited, 31K - daily driver
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Old 09-30-2008, 09:13 PM
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If the seller has no proof that the chain, tensioner and rails were replaced, offer AT LEAST 2000. less than he is asking. It does not matter that the oil was changed often, this is a required maintenance item.

Often these cars are sold because they need maintenance or repair. Thats the buyers ace in the hole.

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