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Old 08-01-2008, 11:47 PM
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1995 E-320 WIERD issues

My father bought a 1995 E-320 off the Lot and put 350,000 on it. He then finds an Engine with 60,000km's on it and has some people r&r it. Then like a bat out of hell this problem comes and cripples the car and he gives it to me.

The problem started and got wore and worse.....
First it was driving fine then one road trip, I was going highway speeds and hit this hill and the car just choked like it was going to quit, then power came back and then it choked, then it quit and then it fired up . Then it worked fine and 3 hours later I was pulling into my home town and it started doing it again at stop lights. Like it was going to quit, then just when you think it's dead it comes back. I ended up putting it in neutral and keeping the rev's high to avoid it. So it sat for a week or so, then I went to drive it to diagnose it and it then started up another problem; It won't rev over 4000rpms hot or cold! It hits 4000 and like you hit a governor of sorts it just won't go higher. So I let it cool down; when you drive it cold, it drives normal except it wont go over 4000rpms. When its warm, all of the sudden you can floor it and the car doesn't go! The engine revs but the car doesn't respond with any pick-up. I don't know what's going on.

I've been reading the threads and I have checked the wiring harness under the hood and it all looks good. Where do I start? Is it the throttle actuator? Any help would be greatly appreciated.

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Old 08-02-2008, 01:45 AM
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Sounds like classic MAF/AMM symptoms. Search on AMM. He gave the car to you because of that? I remember I bought a car once for 100.00 because the guy was going to junk it since it wouldn't start. So I put a new dist cap in it and drove it home. He was pretty mad. That is when I learned the value of fixing cars.
1998 C230 330,000 miles (currently dead of second failed EIS, yours will fail too, turning you into the dealer's personal human cash machine)
1988 F150 144,000 miles (leaks all the colors of the rainbow)
Previous stars: 1981 Brava 210,000 miles, 1978 128 150,000 miles, 1977 B200 Van 175,000 miles, 1972 Vega (great, if rusty, car), 1972 Celica, 1986.5 Supra
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Old 08-02-2008, 11:46 AM
BMG BMG is offline
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There is a governor at 4000 rpms while in nuetral/park.

Sounds like you need to start checking codes off the reader in the battery compartment. Search on code reader in the forums for directions then post what you find. Others here are certain to then lead you down the path of repair.
Brian G.

1994 E320 Wagon with many warts SOLD
1995 E320 Wagon with a beauty mark or two FOR SALE
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Old 08-02-2008, 06:57 PM
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Code Reader

It only flases once.
More of an update on the issue as well:

The Idle jumps. In Neutral more so than Drive.
Drives Great! Lots of Power.
Under Loads and at Stoplights it chokes then restores power, then chokes worse and restores it'self etc. Must put in neutral to keep from choking.
All of the sudden there is as loss of power. Floor it, the engine revs (only to 4,000rpm though) and there is no response from the engine with power. Just nothing, you slow to a stop.
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Old 08-02-2008, 08:18 PM
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< ??

You are not clear.
Are you telling us the engine is at 4K and the car stops while the tach says 4K??????????????????????????

If YES, then the shifter bushing is suspect and the car is actually in N..that expalins the 4k, as there is a rev limiter in N and P for torque Converter protection. Try moving the shifter a bit on each side of N...........

or do you mean you stick it in N to keep it running and can't get it past 4K in N...that is the rev limit too, but the diagnosis is different ..maybe reword it ...
A Dalton

Last edited by Arthur Dalton; 08-02-2008 at 09:45 PM.
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Old 08-03-2008, 12:33 AM
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It continues to run but only has about 10% of it's power. It will eventually come to a stop as it wont have enough power to get up a hill.
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Old 08-03-2008, 01:44 AM
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I thought brick wall at 4K was classic MAF symptom. No?
1998 C230 330,000 miles (currently dead of second failed EIS, yours will fail too, turning you into the dealer's personal human cash machine)
1988 F150 144,000 miles (leaks all the colors of the rainbow)
Previous stars: 1981 Brava 210,000 miles, 1978 128 150,000 miles, 1977 B200 Van 175,000 miles, 1972 Vega (great, if rusty, car), 1972 Celica, 1986.5 Supra
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Old 08-03-2008, 11:34 AM
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So, what you mean is it will misfire at 4K when you have it in N , but you have no power when in gear ?

That would mean you are in Limp-Mode.
Does the car have ASR and is the ASR lamp ON?

I would get the codes from the modules.

A Dalton
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