Greetings All,
Some simple questions, but everyone I've asked has a different answer to the same questions. Here's the situation. I am installing a York a/c compressor in my car that use to have one. They left me the evaporator and condensor, but the rest will be refitted onto the car, no problem there, I have all the hoses, just need to replace all the o-rings and the compressor manifold seals. First question, I assume I need to flush the system first before any filling takes place, right? Any easy way for a DIY to do this? Second question, seeing as this York was designed for R12 freon, can it survive the R134A conversion without blowing up the compressor? If you have done this with success, let me know. Third question, if the compressor will survive the R134A transfusion, what components need to be replaced for it to operate correctly in my car? Do I need to change expansion valve, pressure switch, reciever dryer etc. ? It was also mentioned that the hoses will not withstand the additional pressure of the conversion, any input on this would be great. I'd just like to piece this thing back together right the first time, but rather not give the price of home central air to do it. The last question, On this york compressor, there is a small amount of oil in the crankcase, should it be drained, added to or what if I convert to R134A? If it needs to come out, how do you do that while the compressor is in place, and how would you flush out the residue remaining? Is the oil only put into the system through the charging port or is it put in through the oil check hole on the compressor side?
I know this is lenghy but I am getting various input from everyone, and most is not coming together to form a complete picture as it should.