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Old 05-11-2007, 04:25 AM
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1992 SEL 600..... 143,000 miles
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Old 05-11-2007, 04:33 PM
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Update, the mechanic called me up and still hasnt been able to get a pump for the car yet, b ut he said he should be able to tomorrow.

Then he m entioned that the pump has to be changed for sure because it's not locking or unlocking the doors. He also fixed the drivers side door lock which wouldnt open up with the key.

Now he says the nss and the starter are fine no problem with that. And also said that he noticed that the c ar has a new transmission. A factory transmission to. So I guess thats good.

Next he said if the pump isnt whats causing the car to start, then it most likely is the igntion switch or the starter relay switch I believe he called it?

But he said that starter relay swictch is burried deep in the dash I believe?

It sounded like if it's not the pump the best case scenario would be the ignition switch??? Can anyone tell me if its easier/cheaper to change the ignition switch or the starter relay swtich?

And also what would the price of either one of those run me with parts and labor?


1992 SEL 600..... 143,000 miles
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Old 05-11-2007, 05:59 PM
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What's with the "IF"? Is the pump the cause or isn't it? He should only be replacing it IF it is the cause. Otherwise, he is replacing a part unnecessarily, at cost to you. Once a mechanic starts throwing parts at a problem, the repair bill starts to climb exponentially. Of course if you're okay with that then that's your decision.
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Old 05-11-2007, 06:32 PM
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Well maybe I wasnt clear enough that was probably my bad on my part. But the pump for sure is bad, it needs to be replaced no matter what because it wont lock the doors with the remote so I know the pump is bad, but the only question he has is if the pump is also the problem on not starting the car.

It's not an issue of weather or not the pump needs to be replaced because I knew before this that it did need to be replaced. The only question now is weather the pump is causing the car not to start also.

1992 SEL 600..... 143,000 miles
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Old 05-12-2007, 06:32 AM
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I dont believe a pump failure in the central locking system is the only way the system can malfunction. I would check this before having the pump swapped out.

If I were you I would take this car to a highly reputable Mercedes-Benz only mechanic such as Enrique. If you want the best MBZ master tech in California you need to go to Enrique. His shop is called Mr. MB Motors and its on Reseda Blvd. in the San Fernanado Valley in Los Angeles.

The issue you're having with starting must be first checked by checking the codes. Did you see your tech do this? Were you standing there while he checked the codes?

I would not leave your 12 cylinder sedan in anyone's shop. Just my opinion.

BTW, I was at Enrique's the other day and met a guy with the same car. Midnight blue 1992 V12. And of course Enrique is the only mechanic that works on it.

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Old 05-12-2007, 06:52 AM
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Originally Posted by JasonOne View Post
I dont believe a pump failure in the central locking system is the only way the system can malfunction. I would check this before having the pump swapped out.

If I were you I would take this car to a highly reputable Mercedes-Benz only mechanic such as Enrique. If you want the best MBZ master tech in California you need to go to Enrique. His shop is called Mr. MB Motors and its on Reseda Blvd. in the San Fernanado Valley in Los Angeles.

The issue you're having with starting must be first checked by checking the codes. Did you see your tech do this? Were you standing there while he checked the codes?

I would not leave your 12 cylinder sedan in anyone's shop. Just my opinion.

BTW, I was at Enrique's the other day and met a guy with the same car. Midnight blue 1992 V12. And of course Enrique is the only mechanic that works on it.

All of that is indeed true. I have heard the same about Enrique and MR.MB. Motors, and am thinking about a trip down there, even though it is 600 or more miles away. It'd be worth it to get a complex problem resolved properly.
And I would get to meet Ernesto (BENZ-LGB) for lunch as we'd discussed, and maybe other MB Shop friends down there.

It would be a small vacation, I guess. But he is highly acclaimed by the members in the Los Angeles area, as competent, and very very fair.

I would have to call him first, and try to find a hotel nearby I guess, rent a car maybe. He gets customers from far away, even Idaho and Texas I believe. The MBshop members honored him with a special plaque.
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Old 05-12-2007, 11:51 PM
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Hmm thats a good point, what codes did he pull?
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Old 05-13-2007, 12:23 AM
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I dont know. He said he was going to try a pump today I believe He will give me a call I guess when he figures out exactly whats wrong or has new info. I think he's closed til monday. I will definitely keep you guys posted.

1992 SEL 600..... 143,000 miles
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Old 05-14-2007, 03:35 PM
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still no updates as of yet.

1992 SEL 600..... 143,000 miles
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Old 05-15-2007, 10:59 PM
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well its been a full week and up til now I dont know whats up, I left him a message after work yesterday but he hasnt got back to me today.

I'm starting to get a little concerned now.

1992 SEL 600..... 143,000 miles
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Old 05-16-2007, 06:54 AM
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Why didn't you take the car to the mechanic you know/trust to begin with?
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Old 05-16-2007, 02:11 PM
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The only reason I couldnt do that, was because the mechanic that I go to is about 45/50 miles away from me, which isnt the problem. The problem was my car wouldnt start. And I have no idea how much a tow that far would cost Im sure hundreds of dollars.

Im still hoping everything works out.

1992 SEL 600..... 143,000 miles
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Old 05-16-2007, 02:21 PM
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just a few mins after posting that I got a call from the mechanic. He put a new vacum pump in the car and now the locking system is working which is good.

But it didnt make the car start so a little later today he said he is going to try a ignition switch that he has to see if thats the problem.

So hopefully I figure out if it is or isnt the switch, so I'm at least down a vacum pump now as far as money goes.

Oh by the way he said when he lifted the rear seat he said that there might be a mouse that lives in there and has caused the problem. I think he mentioned that he seen some chewed through plastic or other material and is wondering if a mouse caused some damage. Wierd.

1992 SEL 600..... 143,000 miles
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Old 05-16-2007, 05:53 PM
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I will be so damn mad if a little damn mouse messed up my car. Damn rodent.

1992 SEL 600..... 143,000 miles
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Old 05-16-2007, 07:03 PM
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So the mechanic called and told me good news and bad news. Bad news it's the fuel pump also. GOod news he figured out the problems and it should be done by friday.

So Im in the hole for... new vaccum pump... ignition switch... and
2 fuel pumps... He said he charged me his own list price for what he gets parts for. He also said that it looked like one of the fuel pumps was out I think he said, and that this one is out.

Total looks like $1,400, pretty pricey.. Im just so happy to finally know whats going on with my car.

My question is how expensive or not expensive does this price sound? This is my first time having to deal with an issue with my mercedes. To me it sounds fairly reasonable. But people that have previous simliar issues does this price sound fair?


1992 SEL 600..... 143,000 miles
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