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Old 03-06-2007, 04:18 AM
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need guidance on how to determine cause of code pulled.

  • For the following codes can someone explain how to test for what is the cause of the codes to appear?

    Codes pulled from '93 500 SEL , LH-SFI

    Pin 7, code 6
    pin 16, code 91 (seems a/c compressor works fine)
    pin 23, code 15

    Symptoms of MB is:
  • P/S rear head rest does not work all the time (have to play with switch to get it to work)
  • P/S front IRRC {Infra Red Remote Control) key does not work, key does lock/unlock doors (this weekend will dissasemble door and clean tumbler, micro switch tip from whunter tahnsk)--Is there a test somewhere to see if this unit for this door is working, or the wiring to door assy is not working?}
  • Door locks cycle at times, then pump under p/s rear seat cushion cycles, auto window feature works erratically (related to the first three symptoms)
  • Not sure if IRRC lights on D/S front handle work correctly (unlock no light, lock yellow light)
  • Flat spot on acceleration maybe around 20-30 MPH
  • Vibration and noise in front of instrument cluster for a brief second while accelerating like jake brake {having the cats disconnected at muffler shop Sat and test drive for to see if the cats are clogged or not and rehook up, then if good, then checking the egr motor. Again tip from whunter who thinks the jake brake sound mini vibration could be due to cats clogged, and or egr motor going south)}
  • Trans shifts very hard, maybe 35-45 MPH
  • KOEO, SRS light comes on first then the rest of lights come on then after maybe a few seconds the SRS goes off then the rest of the lights go off, is this correct? or connected w/ one of the faults?

    BTW:The MAF has just been replaced with Bosch reman, made a huge difference in running. New plugs, caps, rotors installed.

    The PO replaced all engine wiring harnesses.

    Any help advice would be appreciated.

Last edited by MBFun; 03-06-2007 at 04:22 AM. Reason: typo's
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Old 03-06-2007, 09:26 AM
Join Date: Mar 1999
Location: Tucker, Ga USA
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That is a LOT of questions!

The code 6 in the DM (pin 3) is about a problem that has happened with the EC/CC/ISC computer (electronic accelerator) at some point. Since there isn't a code in the EA computer that code doesn't mean much.

Having a flat spot at a certain speed is condition that can be tough to find.

DO you use premium fuel? if not then the knock sensors can cause a flat spot.

Other than the MAF & ignition system, the fuel pressure regulator is the most common part to cause running problems.

The rear head-rest motors were problematic from the start on those cars..even a replacement part on the "Value to commitment program" back in 1993.
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Old 03-06-2007, 09:43 AM
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OK - here we go - these responses assume that the pins on the X11 plug are the same on your car as on mine ('92 300SE, which is also LH-SFI).

Pin 7 - this is for the Electronic Accelerator control. Code 6 indicates something wrong with the Starter Lockout/Backup Lamp Switch. I'm not positive about this one, as the #'s in the DTC (diagnostic trouble code charts) are usually identical for the impluse counter tool, and the MB-specific hand-held tester (HHT) - but for this system, the answers are different. Code 6 for an impluse counter tool, which I assume is what you used to pull the code, when I activate the link to go to the diagnostic steps, takes me to diagnosis for the cruise-control module.

Pin 16 - this is for the HVAC (Climate) control. You can also pull these same codes from inside the car at the CC unit. PM me if you want instructions on how to do this (makes pulling codes a LOT easier than counting 91 flashes). 91 indicates something with the Switch Cirucuit Ground Activation for A/C compressor. Diagnosis points to wiring, the Base Module (Pin 2 on X/11) or the Diagnostic Module Pin 19. Try pulling codes from those pins and see what turns up.

Pin 23 - this is for the Anti-Theft Alarm (ATA). Code 5 indicates that the last time the alarm was tripped, the source of the trip signal was either the left or right front doors being opened.

As for your other issues:
Passenger Rear headrest - if playing with the switch gets it to work, then likely the trouble is with the switch. To tell for sure, you'll need to gain access to the motor and see if it's attempting to run when you toggle the switch. Possibly you can hold on to the headrest to detect the motor "trying" to work? This may or may-not be helpful. The switches are uber-complicated - nothing as simple as 12v+ to one pin for up and 12v+ to another for down. The switches work in concert with a computerized control unit, so the only sure-fire test is to swap the switch for a known good unit. The switches are easy to remove - and easy to break if you don't know the trick. PM me if you want details. If I remember correctly, the switches aren't swappable Left-to-Right, so that probably won't help.

IRRC not working on Passenger door. I believe the sensors are the same left & right, and I also think the handles are easily removed without taking the inner door panel off, so maybe you can test by swapping the sensor from the driver's door.

If the door locks cycle on their own, you've got a sticky switch somewhere. I'll bet your door lock switch is on the dash - if so, disconnect the plug from the back (getting at this sucker isn't easy either). If the switch is in the door, also not easy to get at - requires removing the door panel. The pump under the seat is what makes the locks work. Try pulling codes from pin 20 on the X/11 connector to see what it tells you.

Auto window feature - this is a separate module from the ATA. Pull codes from pin 21 on the X/11 connector. This module is fussy - voltage has to be just so to get it to work right. My car auto windows work fine from the switches, but will only roll up windows when I arm the alarm. On occasion, I can get them to roll down when I disarm the alarm, but that's rare. You do know that the windows must be "synched" to get the auto feature to work, right?

IIRC lights should show Green for disarm and red (amber when things get old and faded) for arm.

Flat spot - what gear, and what RPM? This may be electronic accelerator issues. Someone with more knowledge on the codes for that system may have more insight.

Jake brake sound - no insight here.

Hard shift - from what gear to what gear. I'd guess 3 to 4 based on that speed. If the engine isn't running right, the tranny is going to get bad signals. Make sure that the bowden cable to the transmission is adjsuted properly and that the modulator on the transmission (black or grey cover on the driver's side above the pan lip, I think) isn't cracked or leaking fluid and that the hose that feeds the modulator has good vaccuum signal from the engine.

SRS light behavior is normal - that's what my car does too. SRS is first to light and first to go out.

With a car that is new-to-you, sometimes it might be easier with some systems to clear the codes and see if they return. The system will store codes that are transient, which can lead you on a wild goose-chase if the problem was only momentary at some point in the past.

Keep at it - these cars are amazing when they run right.
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Old 03-06-2007, 10:40 AM
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You should double check your codes and pin numbers. There is no pin 16, and if there was there wouldn't be a code number as high as 91. There is no code 15 on pin 23.
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Old 03-06-2007, 03:49 PM
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TIA for all reply's and advice.

We do use premium gas from Sunoco 93 octane. Will verify tonight what gear the MB is in when hard shifting.

For problem on pin 3-code 6----Would a good start be on checking and adjusting the cable at the ETA? (Thanks for all your input so far)

For problem on pin 7, code 6---If The test steps 12.-12.1 were to be done...should a test harness need to be made to do this test with module in place? or disconnect neg battery and pull N4/1 and pin out per instructions? If different please explain. Being a newbie is hard. To understand ALLD... test procedures.

Will PM you on the How to pull the A/c codes. Seen on Jim’s page, and on ALLD… to pull a/c codes thru the a/c module, being a newbie always willing to learn from others when able to.

Will check Bowden cable, and modulator box.

For pin 23, code 15---That’s what shows up every time.

Will keep this thread updated with any new info, or corrections.
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Old 03-20-2007, 04:50 PM
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Turns out the engine seems to be running incorrectly, with weird noise due to clogged cats.

IRRC door locks cycling might be due to the r/s door micro switch.
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Old 06-09-2007, 09:47 PM
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Installed working igniton module, hesitation, no power, door locks cycling, and jack brake sound, trans hard shifting all cleared up.

Thanks for advice.

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