Thank you and any info appreciated
First of all I would like to thank people on this website that unconditionally help others. Most people on this site come here for give and take and i must admit i am mostly a taker due to limited technical expertise. However, as I learn I gladly pass the info to other novices on this site.
There are however, several members on this site, I will not mention names because I will surely forget a few and dont want them to be slighted, who dont need info they are pretty much experts but they are quick to hand out help when needed, to those people and additional thank you. Due to this site, some handiness and logic I have not spent a dime on repairs in 13 months of ownership on my 1987 300 E which is pushing a 160,000 miles. Now for the taking Any advice on any how to keep this car going strong? What can I clean, what fluids to use? any small maintenance that helps so i can have more truble free driving? Thanks. |
Only one...and this is Larry Bible's mantra on oil:
"Change it hot, change it often".
2009 ML350 (106K) - Family vehicle 2001 CLK430 Cabriolet (80K) - Wife's car 2005 BMW 645CI (138K) - My daily driver 2016 Mustang (32K) - Daughter's car |
Basics......Change all the fluids frequently...use high quality parts..flush the brake fluid & antifreeze every couple of years.....HAVE FUN!
MERCEDES Benz Master Guild Technician (6 TIMES) ASE Master Technician Mercedes Benz Star Technician (2 times) 44 years foreign automotive repair 27 Years M.B. Shop foreman (dealer) MB technical information Specialist (15 years) 190E 2.3 16V ITS SCCA race car (sold) 1986 190E 2.3 16V 2.5 (sold) Retired Moderator |
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