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Old 03-05-2006, 10:07 PM
skiier3_9's Avatar
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2000 w220 S500 Instrument Cluster Lights Dead/Dying

The cluster lights (for all of the gauges) went out on the S500 today. In the dark they are very dim (the lighting is barely on) and they appear to flicker/get dimmer and brighter and so forth. I examined the three fuses associated with the cluster (all 7.5A) and they all checked out ok. I assume this is the dreaded flourescent inverter that is simply too small to be reliable for 6+ years of operation.

Is there any way to fix this or is it simply a new cluster. If I were to purchase a used cluster off eBay (assuming the risk of immenent failure) how easily is it to reset the milage? Can this be done DIY or does it require the dealership.

Also, where can I get the tools to remove the cluster (eBay? or does Phil have these) and what can I expect to pay?

EDIT: Are the removal tools the same as these:

{Also used to remove the Audio 10 HU on my 94 E320}

Any helpful hints on removing the cluster on the w220?


Daily Driver: 02 E430 4MATIC
In the family: '03 E500 // '04 ML500 // 64 220SE

Last edited by skiier3_9; 03-05-2006 at 10:16 PM.
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Old 03-06-2006, 07:30 AM
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Yes they are the tools needed to pull the cluster. Just stick them in and pull out. My cluster died this summer as well and the dealer wanted $2000 to fix it. I sent my cluster to a place in Florida and for about $550 it was all fixed. Here is the phone number. 754-235-000 Good Luck.
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Old 03-06-2006, 09:46 AM
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It is impossible to change or alter the mileages on the cluster without having all require tools & software.
It is possible to change the light, if you are familiar with electronics and good soldering skill. I just changed from fluorescent to LED lights, which looks very nice.
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Old 03-06-2006, 10:08 AM
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Originally Posted by DRTYLNDY
Here is the phone number. 754-235-000 Good Luck.
Could you double check that phone number? There aren't quite enough digits there.

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Old 03-06-2006, 05:27 PM
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Service Campaign coming.....

Call your dealer- the cluster will get replaced- the campaign hasn't been announced yet, but it's coming, seems the feds thought not being able to read your speed might be a safety concern!!
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Old 03-06-2006, 06:12 PM
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Thanks a lot! Any idea of how to get the service manager to replace it now (before the campaign comes out).

For those interested it is NHTSA id#06V028000

I also attached a pdf of the information for anyone else to print out.
Attached Files
File Type: pdf s500 cluster recall.pdf (28.8 KB, 947 views)
Daily Driver: 02 E430 4MATIC
In the family: '03 E500 // '04 ML500 // 64 220SE

Last edited by skiier3_9; 03-06-2006 at 06:45 PM.
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Old 03-07-2006, 05:30 PM
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Get him to contact his SPOM..they will approve it
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Old 03-07-2006, 05:54 PM
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what is his "SPOM"? Shall I just say that? "Hey, contact your SPOM"

EDIT: SPOM = service and parts operational manager

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Old 03-22-2006, 03:23 PM
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Talked to Elmer at Maplewood Imports today, he says that I have to wait until June when I get my letter, and then I'll be put on a waiting list as there will not be enough units to immediately cover everyone's W220s.

I am going to call back later and try to get a meeting or talk to the regional service manager. Any other suggestions? This is rediculous, we shouldn't have to wait to June to get the cluster fixed under warranty.
Daily Driver: 02 E430 4MATIC
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Old 03-23-2006, 02:53 AM
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MB always waits until it has the needed amount of parts built up.
What good would it do to recall 40,000 cars when there are 48 clusters
in stock in the country?
There are recalls on SLK taillamps that have been in progress for over a year
now. Gotta build up that inventory before you can change every taillamp
on an entire model run. Ouch!
Dr.Diesel -
Shop Foreman
Master Guild Mercedes-Benz Technician.

Think the dealer is expensive? Do you know how much it costs to train a dealer tech? Or buy the required MB special tools to have on hand?
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Old 03-23-2006, 09:42 AM
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Dr. D I understand that...we've been patiently waiting for cats on the ML w/o problem. My only cause of frustration is that the cluster is broken, none of the gauges ever come on anymore. I just feel that the people with the broken clusters should be first on the list.
Daily Driver: 02 E430 4MATIC
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Old 03-23-2006, 03:22 PM
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That would be a good reason to talk to your local Dealer Service Manager or
Service Director. They can get their SPOM involved and should be able to get you some early help.
Just remember to be nice. Service managers and SPOM's have been getting a lot of P&V poured on them lately for QC issues with the cars.
You will get a lot further with kindness.
My SPOM will not help someone if they come down on him like a ton of bricks.
People tell him they will sue HIM, Lemon-Law a 8 year old car, start a Class-
Action suit, personal insults....Blah blah blah....
He is just a working guy too that has to follow rules and policys enforced by MBUSA home office.
The people that are reasonable and friendly will usually get any available
The exception is when we are waiting for a repair part or modified part from
a vendor and they can't deliver. (i.e. Bosch, Hella, Delphi...ect)
With no parts, we are all SOL.
Dr.Diesel -
Shop Foreman
Master Guild Mercedes-Benz Technician.

Think the dealer is expensive? Do you know how much it costs to train a dealer tech? Or buy the required MB special tools to have on hand?
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Old 03-23-2006, 03:38 PM
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Thanks for the advice Dr. D.

I'll have to call the dealership and see if they can get the repair approved.
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Old 05-01-2006, 06:18 PM
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Well..the service manager at maplewood says that if he does it he will have to eat the cost (after talking to the SPOM I guess) until the recall is officially issued. Since the car wasn't purchased there he really doesn't want to do this. I called the dealership where I bought the car (Feldmann also in Minneapolis - why I left-different story).

So, the service manager at Feldmann had never even heard of the recall (typical) and said he would talk to his manager and call me back. Still waiting from word on him.

I have a 3rd party warranty and I think that if Feldmann doesn't work, I'm going to just have the dealership fix it and pay the $250 deductible. Maplewood service manager said he could reimburse this payment once the service campaign is announced and I get my letter.

BTW: All of the gauges have died, no odometer, turn signals, etc. In this condition, is the odometer still working (ie. counting the miles) - just not lit?
Daily Driver: 02 E430 4MATIC
In the family: '03 E500 // '04 ML500 // 64 220SE
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Old 05-03-2006, 03:21 PM
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Well...the service manager at Feldmann motors did not know of any recall, more disappointing MB service. Even after I showed him the NTHSB stuff (as posted above)

So..going back to Maplewood, hopefully the warranty will cover most of the cost and I'll just be out the deductible.

Daily Driver: 02 E430 4MATIC
In the family: '03 E500 // '04 ML500 // 64 220SE
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