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Old 08-18-2005, 04:38 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 6
Lightbulb Urgent Please.. Problem with My car

Hi Mercedes Gurus
I have a problem with my car. I think I should provide more details as since 24 hrs no reply from any one.

I have mercedes E 200 1993 German model Petrol Car . Engine 124 model. Automatic Gear

I am having problems when i start the car in the first time the RPM fluctuvates . Means let say when i start the RPM is the RPM meter in between 5 - 10 . Once i change the gear from parking to Reverse or Drive the RPM level in the RPM meter drops to let about 5. It slowly starts giving engine jerks , if i didnt raise the esclator sometimes engine stops. Again i have to start the engine.

Same thing happens if i am stoped at Trafic Signal and A/C is on. If i Switch off A/C when it's stoped at trafic signal then RPM comes in between about 5-10 range.

but once running started no problem.

When i show this to mechanic he is saying there problem with ACTIVATOR ( I dont know the name i specified is may be diffrent than the general name, but mechanic told its called ACtivator) which controls all the RPM and sits next to the Engine..

HE is advising me to go for Used one as new is quite expencive here,,

I welcome your suggentions and advice..

Anticipating quick reply. Thanks in Advance


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Old 08-18-2005, 05:23 AM
Rick & Connie
Posts: n/a
Poor idle problem

I believe the part you'r talking about is the idle actuator selenoid.It's a small round cylinder with a plunger that pushes against the throttle shaft,and has a wire connection on the other end of the cylinder.It sounds like the most likely cause of you'r problem.Before replacing it though.I would check the plug in wire connection for corrosion.If it's at all dirty or corroded,there's a chance that cleaning the wire connectors with a small wire brush untill shiny.And then putting a small amount of Vasaline on the connectors to prevent future corrosion,may be the only repair you need.If it still doesn't fix you'r idle problem.You can try unbolting the selenoid bracket and do a similar cleaning in case of grounding problems.
If you'r car still doesn't idle correctly,you probably do need to replace the idle actuator selenoid.You can test the selenoid itself by hooking jumper cables to you'r battery.And with the selenoid removed from you'r car,hook the ground clamp to the mounting bracket.And then touching the wire connector to the positive battery clamp.If the plunger moves one way with power,and the other way with no power,it's probably fine.With the power on,you shouldn't be able to move it by hand.If you can,it needs to be replaced.
If the selenoid is working properly,and you'r idle still fluctuates quite a bit.You then most likely have a vacume leak instead.I hope this helps you out.
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Old 08-18-2005, 08:28 AM
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Join Date: Aug 2005
Posts: 6

Hi Rick thanks for your prompt reply.

I have a query for you.
If Acutator means which controls the electrip output etc which sits near the battery right side corner?..which likes a fuse kind of one?..

If can possible please try to explain. As if its the same which controls the imput and output of electric power then its working fine according to the mechanic.

What he is talking is the one next to engine, and it contains the spring kind of ..when if we pull the spring the esclator of engine goes up..

Sorry for my explanation as i am zero in mechanic field..thanks for your reply/

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Old 08-18-2005, 11:10 AM
Q Q is offline
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I don't mean for this to sound rude at all. However, if you do not have any mechanical experience, it is going to be next to impossible for anyone to guide you toward a solution. A trip back to the mechanic may be your least frustrating route.
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Old 08-19-2005, 01:14 AM
Rick & Connie
Posts: n/a

The part you'r mechanic and me are talking about is bolted to you'r engine where the throttle cable hooks up to the throttle body.Right next to where the air filter hooks up to you'r intake manifold.If you'r still confused though,I would recomend having an experienced mechanic take care of the problem for you.It's real easy to make matters worse on a modern computerized car if you make any kind of mistakes.
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Old 08-19-2005, 09:54 AM
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Posts: 6

Hi guys,

After some research i found the name as rick suggested.
its called Throtte Acutator

As 1993-95 electrical cars has these idle problem, if anyone got repaired without changing this part?.. as this part is going to cost me a lot..

thanks for your advice and replies

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