Wrong blower motor?What can be done?300e
Unknowingly Got smaller caged blower motor for car with dust filter off ebay 2 months ago.
Blower fan finally quit after 2 years of squeaking only in cold weather.Took to moonlighting MB mechanic's hse. He told me I got the wrong one. Mine is without dust filter and without the blue and red wires.the cage is sl bigger too. He sold me one of his collection of old blower motors in his garage which the prev owners changed cos of noise.i suspect he collects this from the MB dealer auto shop. Parts and labour total 120 Canadian(100 US$).He said no guarantee but it's freezing cold In toroonto and i need the heater fan.and 120 bucks is not bad . Gave me back my old blower with very stiff seized motor and bigger cage.I also have the newer but used free running blower with the wires and different hook up than my old one.The motors look the same though Can i extract parts from both: like the motor from the working one and the cage from my old blower(with seized motor). How do i undo the cages of each.O r should i just sell the newer working one on ebay. do many cars in the US have the dust filters.?
Tom 2010 C250 4-matic Sport (Canada) |
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