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Old 01-08-2003, 01:35 AM
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Question Please give me advice on my son's first birthday party.


I'm having a birthday party for my son this weekend, he's gonna be one year old. This is the first birthday party for kids that I've ever hosted and I'm a little nervous. I want the kids to have a good time.

I'll have 10 kids with ages between 6 months to 8 years old to help celebrate the occasion. The party is going to be at my home--Chuckie Cheese seems played out to me---and will last for two hours.

Can you give me suggestions on how to entertain the kids and what to feed them. No clowns bcuz they frighten the younger kids, they scare me also .

The party is supposed to last two hours so the birthday boy doesn't get cranky, how do you politely let parents know the party's over.

What kind of toys can I put in the giftbags that the kids will really like.

I'm so out of touch with kids today that I think the teletubbies are in.

Thanks in advance

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Old 01-08-2003, 01:54 AM
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Not answering any of your questions, but check this out...

John Shellenberg
1998 C230 "Black Betty" 240K
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Old 01-08-2003, 04:52 AM
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jus go to a toys R us and get the giftbag toys, really cheap and lil kids will play with em. candy is always good. if you could get like a lil magic jump. its one of those inflatable jumpers where kids and bounce around in. for the really young ones, maybe show a lot of cartoons. thats wut keeps my nephews entertained. maybe hire someone to dress up as a favorite cartoon character. jus some ideas that i've seen work. good luck.
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Old 01-08-2003, 11:52 AM
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I too have gotten fed up with the "organized amusement" scene, and tried to do b'day parties at home...but the hosting work and cleanup can get so overwhelming that it just was easier to go back to that!

Don't forgo "Chuckie" just yet. More kid-friendly stuff to do, and kids really do love the colors, lights and excitement...even though I can't STAND the place!

Your invitations can say 2 hours only (1-3PM or whatever) and most parents do honor that request. At Chuckie's (or whatever), the party setup is scheduled and also has a time limit. After that, they clear it all up, so if a parent wants to stay longer, they can, and you can pack up the gifts (and your kid) and say "adios".

My daughter is eight now, and as I said before, Chuckie's, skate parks, amusement centers, etc. make the whole process a whole lot easier. You don't have to prepare much in advance, and you don't have to clean up afterwards. Remember, you are dealing with tiny tots here (10 of them for that matter), and they can make much mess at that age!
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Old 01-08-2003, 12:00 PM
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Very Important.

Coordnate the time of day with nap times.

A vote for Chuckie Cheese: They have beer
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Old 01-08-2003, 01:54 PM
Posts: n/a
Hello John,

I was just looking at that toy gullwing in the Mercedes catalog a couple of days ago. That little girl looks like she's having a blast.

Yes, I'll probably regret it and I'm already thinking Chuckie Cheese would be perfect, but I already mailed the invitations, I'll probably go back to Chuckie Cheese next year. I'm not looking forward to cleaning up stains on the carpet.

I'm gonna buy one of those inflatable jumpers with balls in it also, thanks for the ideas, I will be spending time in Toys R Us and will get some cartoons, keep the ideas coming.
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Old 01-08-2003, 02:33 PM
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Originally posted by vanakin
Hello John,

I was just looking at that toy gullwing in the Mercedes catalog a couple of days ago. That little girl looks like she's having a blast.
My daughter has the 500SL pedal car, and LOVES it. Especially since Mom and Dad, and Grandpa all have Mercedes' as well.

We have had all her B-days (3) at home, but she is a July baby, so we have it outdoors in the back yard. Blow up the pool, open the sandbox, and presto, instant party.

For gift bags, my wife went to the "dollar store" and bought little toys, sidewalk chalk, and stuff like that.

Her first birthday was the biggest event, as it was, well, the first. In hindsight it was too much. She got tired quickly. Remember, kids that age wear out fast. Two hours is the limit!

Today, the simple at-home parties go very well, and the other parents in our "clique" have begun to do the same thing. Mostly it's about just letting the kids play together.
John Shellenberg
1998 C230 "Black Betty" 240K
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Old 01-08-2003, 04:59 PM
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Re: Very Important.

Originally posted by Jim Anderson
A vote for Chuckie Cheese: They have beer
They used to have beer! At least in Texas!

Reason number two for not liking Chuckie!

Reason number one: Spending a perfectly good sunny afternoon holed up in a brick and plaster enclosure with 150 screaming children, watching my own child blow a few hours away playing arcade games with $20 worth of tokens, so that she can proudly purchase a $2 trinket (worth 5 cents) at the end of it all!

2009 ML350 (106K) - Family vehicle
2001 CLK430 Cabriolet (80K) - Wife's car
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