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Old 09-07-2005, 10:29 AM
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Next on Oprah

Ohh brother here it comes, its much sooner than I anticipated but as I stated in another thread the Mayor will take his case to Oprah.

What really shames me is the total lack of personal accountability on everyones behalf, the people on the ground are doing the tough work while our men/women in suits either point fingers or take credit while soldiers or volunteers pull bloated decaying bodies from homes. The people on the ground are the ones that have to tell children that they have to leave their beloved pets behind. Frankly I'm embarassed as an American the talking heads are dictating policy while the citizens suffer. I do give some of them credit that have taken a proactive stance while we are still rescuing survivors but I sort of wish the others had to weather the storm.

'This should not have happened'

By Karen Thomas, USA TODAY 1 hour, 49 minutes ago

For six days, staff and crew for The
Oprah Winfrey Show and her Angel Network traveled to Katrina-ravaged areas in trucks carrying water and food

"Nothing I saw on TV prepared me for what I experienced on the ground," she said on Tuesday's show.

Winfrey's staffers went to Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Tennessee, looking for stories, she said, that hadn't yet made it to TV. During her travels, she became weepy, angry and sick to her stomach.

Among the most gut-wrenching: children being sexually assaulted in the Superdome, an image Eddie Compass, New Orleans' police chief, says is among those that will haunt him for life.

Mayor Ray Nagin walked away from his interview with Winfrey after getting emotional about the lack of aid. He became angry, saying that he felt other major cities would have fared much better because response time would have been swifter.

Winfrey was allowed a tour of the now-vacant Superdome, which she said had evolved from a natural disaster to a human disaster. The stench made her nauseated, even though she was wearing a mask. "This makes me so mad. This should not have happened."

Jamie Foxx,
Matthew McConaughey and
Faith Hill were among celebrities distributing food. While unloading a truck in Gulfport, Miss., Hill was asked by survivors to sing Amazing Grace, which she did as onlookers joined in.

Winfrey's show from the region aired the day after The
Ellen DeGeneres Show dedicated its broadcast to a discussion of the hurricane's devastation. And on her show Tuesday, DeGeneres followed up by encouraging viewers to "just help the way you can. It doesn't have to be money. It can be any way that you can."

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Old 09-07-2005, 11:20 AM
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Join Date: Sep 2005
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Originally Posted by MedMech
Ohh brother here it comes, its much sooner than I anticipated but as I stated in another thread the Mayor will take his case to Oprah.

What really shames me is the total lack of personal accountability on everyones behalf, the people on the ground are doing the tough work while our men/women in suits either point fingers or take credit while soldiers or volunteers pull bloated decaying bodies from homes. The people on the ground are the ones that have to tell children that they have to leave their beloved pets behind. Frankly I'm embarassed as an American the talking heads are dictating policy while the citizens suffer. I do give some of them credit that have taken a proactive stance while we are still rescuing survivors but I sort of wish the others had to weather the storm.

'This should not have happened'

By Karen Thomas, USA TODAY 1 hour, 49 minutes ago

For six days, staff and crew for The
Oprah Winfrey Show and her Angel Network traveled to Katrina-ravaged areas in trucks carrying water and food

"Nothing I saw on TV prepared me for what I experienced on the ground," she said on Tuesday's show.

Winfrey's staffers went to Louisiana, Mississippi, Texas and Tennessee, looking for stories, she said, that hadn't yet made it to TV. During her travels, she became weepy, angry and sick to her stomach.

Among the most gut-wrenching: children being sexually assaulted in the Superdome, an image Eddie Compass, New Orleans' police chief, says is among those that will haunt him for life.

Mayor Ray Nagin walked away from his interview with Winfrey after getting emotional about the lack of aid. He became angry, saying that he felt other major cities would have fared much better because response time would have been swifter.

Winfrey was allowed a tour of the now-vacant Superdome, which she said had evolved from a natural disaster to a human disaster. The stench made her nauseated, even though she was wearing a mask. "This makes me so mad. This should not have happened."

Jamie Foxx,
Matthew McConaughey and
Faith Hill were among celebrities distributing food. While unloading a truck in Gulfport, Miss., Hill was asked by survivors to sing Amazing Grace, which she did as onlookers joined in.

Winfrey's show from the region aired the day after The
Ellen DeGeneres Show dedicated its broadcast to a discussion of the hurricane's devastation. And on her show Tuesday, DeGeneres followed up by encouraging viewers to "just help the way you can. It doesn't have to be money. It can be any way that you can."

Hi MedMech,

I have a feeling that Oprah's staff was the first to contact the Mayor of N.O. about this.
Springer will probably have to take a bit longer, because he has to set up the fight schedule
with the head of FEMA... I can see the billboard now... " Brown vs Nagin.... Who will end up lilly white in the end?"

Sometimes I really miss Heraldo.

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