Collapse of World Trade Center
I posted this on the Pentagon thread, but it got buried in the personal attacks.
In the link, there are two videos, one of the Tower collapse and the other of building 7. I'm interested in people's thoughts on the appearances of explosions in the videos. http://www.libertyforum.org/showflat.php?Cat=&Board=consp_911&Number=293140235
1977 300d 70k--sold 08 1985 300TD 185k+ 1984 307d 126k--sold 8/03 1985 409d 65k--sold 06 1984 300SD 315k--daughter's car 1979 300SD 122k--sold 2/11 1999 Fuso FG Expedition Camper 1993 GMC Sierra 6.5 TD 4x4 1982 Bluebird Wanderlodge CAT 3208--Sold 2/13 |
I'm not claiming to be an expert, and I haven't checked the credentials of the person giving the opinion at the site, but could the "squibs" as he calls them be rationally explained by other sources, including the pressure of dust and debris being forced out by the heat and pressure generated by the impact and subsequent fires?
I read a summary of the engineering report on bldg 7. I believe they were considering the standard hypothesis for the collapse of 7, which is that fires inside caused it. They go with that hypothesis but state that it has a very low probablity that it would happen that way. Here's a link with more info: http://st12.startlogic.com/~xenonpup/collapse%20update/index.htm Here's an hypothesis I haven't run across: After the 1993 attack on WTC, someone (?) considered that another attack was possible and thought it might result in huge demolition problems with possible loss of life if the buildings were only partially collapsed in the attack so pre-charged the buildings with demolitions devices to bring them down safetly. And even considered that using the devices in the case of an attack would actually save lives because it would bring the buildings straight down rather than falling sideways and destroying many other buildings and killing lots of people adjacent to the buildings. So, it was an accidental or deliberate use of this charges that brought down the towers and deliberate use of the charges to bring down bldg 7. This would account for why the owner of the buildings stated 'Let's pull the bldg." I can even imagine an insurance company requiring such advance planning as a pre-condition for continued insurance after the first attack.
1977 300d 70k--sold 08 1985 300TD 185k+ 1984 307d 126k--sold 8/03 1985 409d 65k--sold 06 1984 300SD 315k--daughter's car 1979 300SD 122k--sold 2/11 1999 Fuso FG Expedition Camper 1993 GMC Sierra 6.5 TD 4x4 1982 Bluebird Wanderlodge CAT 3208--Sold 2/13 Last edited by kerry; 12-04-2004 at 02:14 PM. |
. . . Mulder . . .err, Kerry . . . the truth is out there . . .
The more I think about it,the more I am tempted by my hypothesis. After the first WTC bombing, with so much money at risk, the insurance companies would surely have put actuaries and risk analysts at work to protect themselves in the event of future attacks. It seems quite possible to me that someone could predict that the safest course of action which would limit damages in the case of a future attack which caused serious structural damage to the buildings, would be a contolled demolition. I can easily see where a controlled demolition would actually save lives and property and limit the economic consequences of an attack.
1977 300d 70k--sold 08 1985 300TD 185k+ 1984 307d 126k--sold 8/03 1985 409d 65k--sold 06 1984 300SD 315k--daughter's car 1979 300SD 122k--sold 2/11 1999 Fuso FG Expedition Camper 1993 GMC Sierra 6.5 TD 4x4 1982 Bluebird Wanderlodge CAT 3208--Sold 2/13 |
people that lost their life that day. I could understand this if the towers had been completely evacuated but not with that many people left in the buildings. If this is true then many will see this as murder, including me. Louis. |
Kerry have you seen the WTC documentary on discovery or history?
It starts with the architecture from the footings to the tippy top and dissects exactly why, how and when each building collapsed. I recall they provided the calculations including velocity of the fall and the heat generated by the friction of the fall right down to the ricktor scale reading from various distances. Regarding why the building fell straight down, they were designed that way. Is that a Europeon laden 757 or African? stop guessing. |
Here's the reply I got from Griffin when I e-mailed him my hypothesis:
Dear Kerry, Nice to hear from you. I assume that Building 7 (as well as the Towers) was indeed brought down by controlled demolition, which meant that it had to have been wired long in advance and then the explosives placed not long before 9/11. But whether this was under orders from the insurance company, Giuliani, Silverstein, the FBI, and/or the Port Authority I would not speculate. But I certainly hope that someday there is a real investigation, because I would certainly like to know. I don’t know if you’ve seen the Afterword to the Updated Edition of NPH, in which I discuss the WTC at greater length. Also somewhat in my new book (propaganda below). I’ll hope for another great review from you. Cordially, DG THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT: OMISSIONS AND DISTORTIONS (A Critique of the Kean-Zelikow Report) David Ray Griffin “With this new book, David Ray Griffin establishes himself, alongside Seymour Hersh, as America’s number one bearer of unpleasant, yet necessary, public truths.”--Richard Falk, Professor of International Law, Emeritus, Princeton University Griffin shows that the final report of the 9/11 Commission, far from being the definitive account of 9/11 it was supposed to be, is riddled with omissions and distortions. Rather than genuinely asking how the attacks were able to succeed, the Commission merely defended the account provided by the Bush administration and its Pentagon. Any evidence that challenged this account--by suggesting instead that the attacks were enabled by the Bush administration itself--was either distorted or simply omitted. “In this masterful sequel to The New Pearl Harbor, David Ray Griffin unveils a disparity between official 9/11 "spin" and independently researched 9/11 fact so glaring as to suggest the possibility of a constitutional crisis unlike anything our country has ever known. . . . [This book] seriously--and alarmingly--challenges the independence, impartiality, and thoroughness of the 9/11 Commission."--Burns H. Weston, Professor of Law Emeritus, University of Iowa "David is a national treasure. His first book was great. This book . . . is even better.”--Meria Heller (www.Meria.net) ---------------------- THE 9/11 COMMISSION REPORT: OMISSIONS AND DISTORTIONS David Ray Griffin Acknowledgments INTRODUCTION PART ONE THE COMMISSION’S OMISSIONS AND DISTORTIONS 1. The Alleged Hijackers 2. The Collapse of the World Trade Center Buildings 3. The Strike on the Pentagon 4. The Behavior of Bush and His Secret Service 5. Advance Information about the Attacks 6. Osama, the bin Ladens, and the Saudi Royal Family 7. The Saudi Flights 8. FBI Obstructions 9. Pakistan and Its ISI 10. Possible Motives of the Bush Administration PART TWO THE COMMISSION’S DEFENSE OF THE US MILITARY 11. Problems in Earlier Accounts of the Flights 12. The Commission on Flight 11 13. The Commission on Flight 175 14. The Commission on Flight 77 15. The Commission on Flight 93 16. The FAA: Taking the Fall CONCLUSION APPENDIX Notes Index of Names -------------------------- “This is a painstaking and devastating demolition of the lies transmitted by The 9/11 Commission Report . . . . Griffin’s book will strengthen the cause of those who believe that the best defense for democracy is not blind fealty to leaders, but the truth.”--Peter Dale Scott, author of Drugs, Oil, and War “Through an incisive and carefully documented review, David Ray Griffin skillfully refutes the findings of the 9/11 Commission. . . .”--Michel Chossudovsky, Professor of Economics, University of Ottawa “David Ray Griffin’s latest book amply explains why the 9/11 Commission can now be placed in the same category as the Warren and Tower Commissions as dissemblers and varnishers of the truth.”--Wayne Madsen, syndicated columnist, investigative journalist “This careful deconstruction of what many have called “The 9/11 Omission Commission” skewers, with academic rigor, both the official 9/11 story and its associated cover-up. David Ray Griffin's is one of the finest minds at work in the pursuit of truth about 9/11.”--Barrie Zwicker, Canadian Media Critic and Commentator “It is rather obvious that the 9/11 commission aimed more to bring closure than to investigate the anomalies surrounding the event. . . . For those who still seek the truth and hope for a serious investigation of the facts, Griffin's careful analysis of the report is essential reading.”--John B. Cobb, Jr., Professor of Theology, Emeritus, Claremont School of Theology -------------------------- The 9/11 Commission Report: Omissions and Distortions A Critique of the Kean-Zelikow Report By David Ray Griffin Olive Branch Press of Interlink Books www.interlinkbooks.com/Books_/911CommRep.html ISBN 1-56656-584-7 ppbk. 352 pages $18.00 To order from Interlink Books: telephone 1-800-238-5465; order online at www.interlinkbooks.com, or email sales@interlinkbooks.com. For discounts on bulk orders, contact Brenda (sales@interlinkbooks.com). The book can also be ordered for $12.60 from Amazon.com (www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail/-/1566565847/qid=1100616134/sr=1-15/ref=sr_1_15/103-0212308-5454227?v=glance&s=books. --------------- Feel free to forward this message to your friends and colleagues.
1977 300d 70k--sold 08 1985 300TD 185k+ 1984 307d 126k--sold 8/03 1985 409d 65k--sold 06 1984 300SD 315k--daughter's car 1979 300SD 122k--sold 2/11 1999 Fuso FG Expedition Camper 1993 GMC Sierra 6.5 TD 4x4 1982 Bluebird Wanderlodge CAT 3208--Sold 2/13 |
I foresee and world wide Reynolds wrap shortage.
Bldg 7 is a particular problem. No structural damage by impact anywhere, yet when it falls, there is a kink in the bldg from top to bottom just like in controlled demolition. As I noted above, the forensic report on its collapse indicated that there was a very low probability that the relatively small fires inside caused enough structural weaknesses for the whole building to fail.
1977 300d 70k--sold 08 1985 300TD 185k+ 1984 307d 126k--sold 8/03 1985 409d 65k--sold 06 1984 300SD 315k--daughter's car 1979 300SD 122k--sold 2/11 1999 Fuso FG Expedition Camper 1993 GMC Sierra 6.5 TD 4x4 1982 Bluebird Wanderlodge CAT 3208--Sold 2/13 |
Here are some pictures of steel/concrete buildings that fell down. None of them turned to dust:
http://geoinfo.usc.edu/gees/RecentEQ/Taiwan/Report/Aerial_Survey/Image146.jpg http://geoinfo.usc.edu/gees/RecentEQ/Taiwan/Report/Aerial_Survey/Image145.jpg http://geoinfo.usc.edu/gees/RecentEQ/Taiwan/Report/Aerial_Survey/Image163.jpg http://geoinfo.usc.edu/gees/RecentEQ/Taiwan/Report/Aerial_Survey/Image169.jpg http://geoinfo.usc.edu/gees/RecentEQ/Taiwan/Report/Aerial_Survey/Image181.jpg http://geoinfo.usc.edu/gees/RecentEQ/Taiwan/Report/Aerial_Survey/Image182.jpg
1977 300d 70k--sold 08 1985 300TD 185k+ 1984 307d 126k--sold 8/03 1985 409d 65k--sold 06 1984 300SD 315k--daughter's car 1979 300SD 122k--sold 2/11 1999 Fuso FG Expedition Camper 1993 GMC Sierra 6.5 TD 4x4 1982 Bluebird Wanderlodge CAT 3208--Sold 2/13 |
As to the pictures, the places seem to be in Japan, who we all know have problems with earthquackes. Comparing earthquacke damage with airliner damage is like compairing pears and apples. Louis. |
Sir, have you ever been to the site of a controlled explosive demolition of a multi-story building? I have personally been to two here in Hawaii, the Biltmore Hotel in Waikiki and the Kaiser Foundation Hospital, also in Waikiki. Neither of those building had anywhere near the mass or area that the WTC had, however when a six story steel and concrete building gets dropped on itself, there's plenty of debris that ranges from structural steel to dust.
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