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Old 11-05-2003, 02:11 AM
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Adjusting Bowding cable

I was driving an '86 SDL the other day, and the same thing happened to me.

Turned out to be a kickdown switch problem. The kickdown switch hadn't been used in a while, and was sticky I guess. I kept loosening it with my foot. If it stuck, I would floor the car triggerring the kickdown switch to get it to upshift.

The '86 would rev all the way up to 4600 at 30 mph in first gear in "D" then BANG second gear all the way to 48 mph BANG 3rd gear to 78 mph BANG, 4th. If it ever dropped below those speeds in those respective gears, it would downshift to a lower gear. Is that what's happening?

How did my post get ahead of yours?

1987 300SDL (324000)

1986 Porsche 951 (944 Turbo) (166000)

1978 Porsche 924 (99000)

1996 Nissan Pathfinder R50 (201000)
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Old 11-05-2003, 02:16 AM
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Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 36
Adjusting Bowding cable

Hi everybody,

I need some help with my transmission. It doesn't want to upshift, and in doing a search I found out that it might be the Bowding cable. Also is there anything else that would make my car do that, like a dirty transmission filter, leaking vacum hoses, ect........? The problem happend all of a sudden. I mean just one day it decided that it didn't want to shift into 4th gear. Then about an hour later it decided it did't want to shift into 3rd gear, and so on. When I finally got my car home I let it sit for a week or so. Then I changed the fluid but not the filter. I then took it for a drive and it was shifting fine for the first 15 minutes. Then all of a sudden it would not shift again. Is there anybody that can tell me how to fix the cable, and what's involved. Thanks.

It's a 1987 300D turbo w124
I am thinking about selling my 1987 300D Turbo w124. Not sure I want to.
So if anybody needs it more than me. Tell me why.
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Old 11-05-2003, 08:27 PM
Senior Member
Join Date: Jul 2002
Posts: 36
Yes! That's what my car is doing. Do you know how to fix this? and How did your ost get in front of mine? I don't know.
I am thinking about selling my 1987 300D Turbo w124. Not sure I want to.
So if anybody needs it more than me. Tell me why.
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Old 11-05-2003, 10:59 PM
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Join Date: Nov 2001
Location: Northern VA
Posts: 461
bowden cable

My 84 SD does this. The cable separated at the engine.
Replacement is in order. In your case I would bite the bullet and have it adjusted by the dealer. Also a word to the wise...never change the tranny fluid without putting in a new filter. Some will argue this point, but for $25/30 you risk a $2000/4000 repair/ replacement.

N. Hodges
1994 S350
1987 300 SDL (for sale)
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