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Old 08-29-2002, 11:18 PM
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300D Climate Control and Vacuum

Hi All,
I have been tracking down my vacuum leaks and have narrowed it down a bit. My climate control does not seem to be working does not change from floor to defrost or anything. Here are the symptoms..When the climate control is off the car shuts off fine and the locks seem to work. If I leave the climate control on the car will not shut right off and the locks will not work. I have checked the vacuum lines directly behind the climate control and they seem ok. Anyone have any ideas??
Thanks! Charles
1983 300D
1987 190E

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Old 08-30-2002, 01:06 AM
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Hi Charles,I think the cc and locks and shutoff all are split at a 4-way rubber connector under the hood.On my '80 the splitter is near the brake booster,good luck .
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Old 08-30-2002, 02:13 AM
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You have either a leaking pushbuton control unit or a leaking servo, badly enough that all vac is lost when it is on. It could be as simple as a hose pulled off under the dash, but you will need to get a Mitivac and start checking.

I would also check for adequate vac at the main line -- it is possible for the restrictions (white or yellow "connectors" that have small holes in them) to get plugged, so you don't have enough vac to run things.

Check your check valves, the little round things in the lines, too, they can go bad and leak vac down. The locks should work fine a couple times even if the Climate Control bleeds off all the vac since there is a tank to store some under the left fender.

I suspect you have lots of leaking connections -- the little rubber bits between the plastic lines get hard (or mushy) and leak. Check them before getting too excited.

Locks are operated off the yellow line in the engine compartment, climate controll of the green and the vac from the cutoff goes to the switch on a brown line, to the cutoff on a brown with blue stripe.

1972 220D ?? miles
1988 300E 200,012
1987 300D Turbo killed 9/25/07, 275,000 miles
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Old 08-30-2002, 10:53 AM
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Larry Bible gave me a great diagnostic bulletin for ACC that I would be glad to fax to you when I get into the office. It will help you narrow down your issue.

Just send me a private message with your fax number.


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