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Old 05-11-2015, 11:58 AM
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Originally Posted by ROLLGUY View Post
Although I have not done it this way, I can see how easy it would be to pass by the desired spot. I have done so many with the ratchet on the crank bolt, I know just about the amount it takes to get to the next cylinder without getting back on the ground. Also, not all of these cars have an easy way to hook up a remote starter switch. Only the later cars have the junction block on the wheelhouse, the earlier cars do not. Wait, don't you like the sound the ratchet makes when you forget to take it out and start the car?
I have very good control with my (home made) remote starter switch. It is method b from the FSM below. What Mercedes calls the "contact handle" is the remote starter. Maybe the issue is the generic remote starters are not suitable? I have never bought or owned a commercial one and have no idea if they are suitable (or not). You don't want a switch with a snap action as you push- you will not get good control with those. The switch I use is lightly spring loaded good for 7 to 8 amps and works fine for me. The control is good enough I can line up the cam chain sprocket marks after a few tries.

85 300D turbo pristine w 157k when purchased 161K now
83 300 D turbo 297K runs great. SOLD!
83 240D 4 spd manual- parted out then junked
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Old 05-11-2015, 12:13 PM
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Originally Posted by leathermang View Post
As this forum's Inventor in Residence ..... I was secretly anointed a while ago...
I would like to suggest this :
If you put the correct socket on the crank nut....
and use the correct length extension ... I have no test vehicle so you will have to determine this....
and put a ratchet on that assembly... nothing inventive yet....
then attach a broom stick extension on the end of the ratchet handle... so we are now at 90 degrees to the longitudinal center line of the car....
make this long enough to be under whatever hole is available from the top of the engine compartment..... it does not have to be 90 degrees to the ground....
then attach a joint from another broom stick to the end of the first one.... with a loose joint on it...
You now have a way to rotate the Crank Nut while standing up leaning over the fender and working on setting the valves or whatever..... Just by up and down movement of the wooden rod.
Want to get fancy.... put a bicycle handle on the top....
Note.... be sure you have set your ratchet to move the crank in the direction you want it to move... to avoid an unnecessary crawl back under the car.... something well worth avoiding....

and I totally agree with... if one is able.... upgrading to a modern compressor like the Sanden.....
I got a headache reading the rambling. A broomstick on a joint to a ratchet? Maybe that is possible on your 240D but getting just a ratchet and a 27 mm deep socket on the crankshaft nut from above on an 83 300D is nearly impossible with the fan and shroud in place.
85 300D turbo pristine w 157k when purchased 161K now
83 300 D turbo 297K runs great. SOLD!
83 240D 4 spd manual- parted out then junked
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Old 05-11-2015, 12:19 PM
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Originally Posted by funola View Post
Maybe that is possible on your 240D but getting just a ratchet and a 27 mm deep socket on the crankshaft nut from above on an 83 300D is nearly impossible with the fan and shroud in place.
I don't agree with this. It is not that it is nearly impossible, it IS impossible. The only way is from underneath. That is just from MY experience, yours may be different.
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Old 05-11-2015, 12:32 PM
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Originally Posted by ROLLGUY View Post
I don't agree with this. It is not that it is nearly impossible, it IS impossible. The only way is from underneath. That is just from MY experience, yours may be different.
yeah if you read what I wrote again I said " from above on an 83 300D is nearly impossible"

I agree from below IS possible. This was like 5 years ago when I tried. I am sure it is possible from above if I forced it, wrecking the fan/ radiator and cutting my arms up in the process.
85 300D turbo pristine w 157k when purchased 161K now
83 300 D turbo 297K runs great. SOLD!
83 240D 4 spd manual- parted out then junked
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Old 05-11-2015, 12:36 PM
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Originally Posted by Graham View Post
Once again you were right on the money
$60 OM617 Blank Exhaust Flanges
$110 OM606 Blank Exhaust Flanges
No merc at the moment
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Old 05-11-2015, 01:08 PM
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After a few tries, I learned not to attend every argument that I have an invite too. On the original topic, it seems to me that the threads on the stem of the valve in question were probably stripped when someone with a couple wrenches over-tightened the the jam nut. That may not actually be the case, but that best explains the phenomenon of a nut that moved in rotation, but not translation.

In you efforts to examine or verify the issue, take appropriate care not to drop the valve down the hole. Recently, I someone (member Lucas?) dropped one and got it back, but it was a nail-biter.

My guess is to do anything besides drive as-is, the head comes off. Once that happens, you open up all the 'while you're in there's' and 'is it worth it's'. Minimally, parts would be new HG and valve, set of bolts at your discretion (another controversial topic).

All things are burning, know this and be released.

82 Benz 240 D, Kuan Yin
12 Ford Escape 4wd

You're four times
It's hard to
more likely to
concentrate on
have an accident
two things
when you're on
at the same time.
a cell phone. It's not like there's anything wrong with feeling good, is there?
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Old 05-11-2015, 01:29 PM
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WOW!!! Once the dust settles, maybe Packman the OP will come back and
he can get the Valve Nut question answered, or a follow up.

there were three HP ratings on the OM616...

1) Not much power
2) Even less power
3) Not nearly enough power!! 240D w/auto

Anyone that thinks a 240D is slow drives too fast.

80 240D Naturally Exasperated, 4-Spd 388k DD 150mph spedo 3:58 Diff

We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works
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Old 05-11-2015, 01:41 PM
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Notice I've stayed out of this - but I would like to know the resolution.

I don't have power steering and I have plenty of room between the rad and crank pully so I have no horse in this race......

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Old 05-11-2015, 02:06 PM
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Wow. This thread sure went sideways.

OK, here's the update:

VSTech: "If you hold the spring and only turn the locknut, does the top nut spin?"
No, if I hold the spring still and only turn the locknut, the top nut does NOT spin.

VSTech: "Hold spring, clockwise turn lower nut until it has a good three threads clearance to the top nut. Visually verify the spacing. Then spin the top nut to meet it. You could simply have a massively out of adjustment valve."

Here's what I did:

1) I turned the lower nut until I was able to see space between the two nuts. When I turned the lower nut, the top nut did NOT turn with the lower nut, it stayed in one place.

2) I then turned the upper nut to meet the lower nut. When I turned the upper nut, the lower nut did not turn, it just stayed where it was until the upper nut met it.

3) Doing 1 and 2 did not affect the spacing between the rocker arm and the cam at all.


I think that the top nut appears to be 'stuck' on the top of the other words, it seems that the top nut is not moving in relation to the valve itself. In other words, I think that the top nut and the valve itself turns all as one. This explains why the lower nut turns freely, and the top nut 'appears' to screw down to meet the lock nut.

What should I do now? Should I attempt to free the top nut from being stuck to the valve? Is this a reasonable explanation? I'm kinda stuck.


83 240D - 4 speed manual - Manilla Beige
189K miles, Tachometer mod, cool wooden shift knob from PeachParts, CocoMats, Original factory paint, manual windows, manual sunroof. Starting to add AudioWrap to this car too!
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Old 05-11-2015, 02:15 PM
Stretch's Avatar a shield of steel
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Originally Posted by PackerEdgerton View Post
What should I do now? Should I attempt to free the top nut from being stuck to the valve? Is this a reasonable explanation? I'm kinda stuck.


I think you should do what was suggested in post #3!

(though it was a long long time ago {your mother should know} )
1992 W201 190E 1.8 171,000 km - Daily driver
1981 W123 300D ~ 100,000 miles / 160,000 km - project car stripped to the bone
1965 Land Rover Series 2a Station Wagon CIS recovery therapy!
1961 Volvo PV544 Bare metal rat rod-ish thing

I'm here to chat about cars and to help others - I'm not here "to always be right" like an internet warrior

Don't leave that there - I'll take it to bits!
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Old 05-11-2015, 02:21 PM
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Originally Posted by Stretch View Post
It sounds like the threads are stripped.

Remove the glow plugs (if you haven't already done so - so you can crank the engine over by hand with ease)

Remove the rocker arm pair associated with the offending valve

Remove the follower and lock nuts and hope that the threads on the valve are not stripped.

Usually the threads in the nuts die first because they are cut whilst the threads on the valves are (probably) rolled (and are therefore stronger)
Hi Stretch,

Thanks for your feedback. I understand what you wrote here, but I am unclear on what you are suggesting next...

Removing the follower and lock nuts will allow me to see if the condition of the threads.

Assuming we're dealing with stripped threads:

1) Nut is stripped = replace the nut.
2) Valve is stripped = use a thread die on it? Other suggestions?


83 240D - 4 speed manual - Manilla Beige
189K miles, Tachometer mod, cool wooden shift knob from PeachParts, CocoMats, Original factory paint, manual windows, manual sunroof. Starting to add AudioWrap to this car too!
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Old 05-11-2015, 02:25 PM
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Is the third valve adjustment wrench supposed to help with the OPs problem? I thought it somehow kept the valve from rotating?
1968 220D, w115, /8, OM615, Automatic transmission.
My 1987 300TD wagon was sold and my 2003 W210 E320 wagon was totaled (sheds tear).
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Old 05-11-2015, 02:27 PM
Stretch's Avatar a shield of steel
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Originally Posted by PackerEdgerton View Post
Hi Stretch,

Thanks for your feedback. I understand what you wrote here, but I am unclear on what you are suggesting next...

Removing the follower and lock nuts will allow me to see if the condition of the threads.

Assuming we're dealing with stripped threads:

1) Nut is stripped = replace the nut.
2) Valve is stripped = use a thread die on it? Other suggestions?


Don't worry about the threads on the valve until you get to see them.

I have a feeling (and a big hope) they will be OK but the cut threads in the nuts will be dead.

What ever you do - do not drop the valve in the cylinder!

Place the piston near the top end of the stroke so if the valve drops it just rests on the piston crown.
1992 W201 190E 1.8 171,000 km - Daily driver
1981 W123 300D ~ 100,000 miles / 160,000 km - project car stripped to the bone
1965 Land Rover Series 2a Station Wagon CIS recovery therapy!
1961 Volvo PV544 Bare metal rat rod-ish thing

I'm here to chat about cars and to help others - I'm not here "to always be right" like an internet warrior

Don't leave that there - I'll take it to bits!
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Old 05-11-2015, 02:30 PM
Stretch's Avatar a shield of steel
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Originally Posted by Shortsguy1 View Post
Is the third valve adjustment wrench supposed to help with the OPs problem? I thought it somehow kept the valve from rotating?
He has reported that he is using the third wrench so if the valve is being held tight and the nuts go nowhere I kind of suspect there will be stripped threads (hopefully in the nuts)
1992 W201 190E 1.8 171,000 km - Daily driver
1981 W123 300D ~ 100,000 miles / 160,000 km - project car stripped to the bone
1965 Land Rover Series 2a Station Wagon CIS recovery therapy!
1961 Volvo PV544 Bare metal rat rod-ish thing

I'm here to chat about cars and to help others - I'm not here "to always be right" like an internet warrior

Don't leave that there - I'll take it to bits!
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Old 05-11-2015, 03:06 PM
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Yes, I read that in his first post as well, but this statement seems inconsistent to me..."I think that the top nut appears to be 'stuck' on the top of the valve". So I was wondering if perhaps he was using the third wrench incorrectly. I have never had to use one, so I am not passing judgement. I just felt there was an inconsistent statement that should be evaluated before he took the engine further apart.

1968 220D, w115, /8, OM615, Automatic transmission.
My 1987 300TD wagon was sold and my 2003 W210 E320 wagon was totaled (sheds tear).
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