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Old 10-17-2013, 05:44 PM
whunter's Avatar
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Met the supreme diesel penny pinching MORON

Raining here today.
Service call 2 miles from me.
E300 D turbo..

295,000 miles on the car.

No power, smokes, sounds like a foundry trip hammer...
Essentially not enough power to engage the transmission without stalling.


My diagnosis.

The fuel filters are total junk, he refused to allow me to replace them, (I even offered free good used that came off a car yesterday).
Shook out the fuel filters, rinsed with WD40, filled with two stroke oil and reinstalled.
It started and ran with about 1/2 the power of a 240D.

The engine bearings are failing or gone.
The injection pump is making growling noise.
The timing chain can be heard above engine noise, (think 1960 motorcycle with a badly worn chain).
The belt tensioner and shock have been cobbled together (obviously many times) and IMO is not safe for human or engine.
He cast his own engine mounts, solid 95 durometer polyurethane, (think loading dock bumper).
The total exhaust system is invisible under all of the galvanized duct and clamps.
He was complaining that he was forced to buy a NEW wiper blade two years ago.

His excuse: Well everyone knows Mercedes diesels go 500,000 miles without maintenance, just look at Ebay.


This is the original owner.
He explained correct maintenance to me...

He removes the filters every two years, and reverse flushes them, with various gases, fluids, then dries and reinstalls (the same filters since factory new).
The fluids are removed and filtered to 0.25 micron when the filters are done, then poured back in..

At this point:
He tops up the differential oil one quart every month = 800 miles.
He tops up the engine oil one quart every 200 miles.
He tops up the transmission oil one quart every 600 miles.
He tops up the power steering fluid daily.
He recharges the A/C weekly through the summer.
All fuel hoses are original and coated with insane layers of various sealers (think quarts).
The steel injector line plastic CLIPS have been replaced by large gobs of JB weld.
The washer bottle leaks, and is refilled weekly with a home mix of 50% ammonia, 25% Isopropyl alcohol, 2% dish soap, 23% water. It stinks.

All gaskets have been re-used (many times) with massive sealer.
No steering/suspension parts have ever been replaced.
He replaces single tires, only after they blow out.
The driver window and seat don't work.
The sunroof does not work.

I can't continue the massive depressing list of damage.


He refused to thank me or pay one penny, and "cursing" drove off in that rolling wreck.


ASE Master Mechanic

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Old 10-17-2013, 05:51 PM
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Originally Posted by whunter View Post
He cast his own engine mounts, solid 95 durometer polyurethane, (think loading dock bumper).
Pictures damn it pictures!!!!
CENSORED due to not family friendly words
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Old 10-17-2013, 05:58 PM
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WOW! Ya know, he could save some money by never using is Michigan, after all.
14 E250 Bluetec 4Matic "Sinclair", Palladium Silver on Black, 157k miles
06 E320 CDI "Rutherford", Black on Tan, 175k mi, Stage 1 tune, tuned TCU
91 300D "Otis", Smoke Silver on Tan, 144k mi, wastegate conversion, ALDA delete

19 Honda CR-V EX 70k mi
Fourteen other MB's owned and sold
1961 Very Tolerant Wife
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Old 10-17-2013, 06:05 PM
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Reminds me of the member here who was driving a 240d without oil changes. How far did it go?
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1985 300TD 185k+
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1985 409d 65k--sold 06
1984 300SD 315k--daughter's car
1979 300SD 122k--sold 2/11
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Old 10-17-2013, 06:23 PM
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That's funny stuff. Frustrating as heck to those of us who like to fix things correctly, believe in proper maintenance and cherish our Mercedes.

I thought my Dad was bad, he has never been a diesel guy because they are too expensive to buy new. He never buys anything but a 'brand new' car or pick up because 'Buying used is just buying someone else's problems' I have tried to sit down with him and pencil out the fuel savings over time and resale value at the end, and even though numbers don't lie he refuses to be persuaded.
He also figures if the factory says 5000 mile oil changes, 15000 is OK, 100,000 mile spark plugs are good until the engine refuses to start and runs like crap. The 'check engine' light is always on in his vehicles 'It's just the friggin gas cap!!'.
I gave up on him years ago. He can buy a brand new truck and it's junk before 100k, my Dodge Ram/Cummins I bought with 42k (lease return) on it in the year 2000 still serves me well now with 377K on the clock and counting. Yes it has always had 5000 mile oil changes since the day I bought it, with 'fresh oil' and filter every time. Even though it costs dang near $75 for the stuff to do an oil change anymore.
Thanks for the laughs. I had heard before that people like this existed, but now I know for sure. Hope, I never meet the guy. He would be driving away with my shoe lodged in his a$$!!
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Old 10-17-2013, 06:33 PM
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and I thought I was a moron (people told me) because I was using very slightly used centrifuged and filtered diesel motor oil (swepco product) in my E300D.

But for sure I would never let it become that ratty. This guy should be awarded with a RW steel toe boot (used by the dumpster guys first)

btw - Roy - I read you offered a "FREE used fuel filter" and he said no, was the man reeking of the "smoke"
2012 BMW X5 (Beef + Granite suspension model)

1995 E300D - The original humming machine (consumed by Flood 2017)
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Old 10-17-2013, 06:35 PM
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He'll get what he deserves soon enough. I can't believe whunter met this guy somewhere, got his hands dirty cleaning a 20 year old filter, IN THE RAIN to walk away with not a cent. If someone asked me to clean a used fuel filter, I would unscrewed it, punt it off into the woods and tell him he don't need a stinking fuel filter; then walk away.
1991 F250 super-cab 7.3 IDI. (rebuilt by me) Banks Sidewinder turbo, hydroboost brakes, new IP and injectors.
2003 S430 - 107K
1983 300SD - Tanoshii - mostly restored ~400K+.
1983 300SD - Good interior. Engine finally tamed ~250K.
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Old 10-17-2013, 06:40 PM
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smoke gets in your eyes
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Originally Posted by whunter View Post
He tops up the differential oil one quart every month = 800 miles.
By definition, that's not topping up

You should have snuck a sample of engine oil. I'd chip in to have it analyzed.

87 300D
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Old 10-17-2013, 06:41 PM
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im surprised this guy even had a fuel filter at all. He might as well have a blank made up, though I guess that would qualify as spending money on the car, so no go.
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Old 10-17-2013, 06:58 PM
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Sounds like he's both a moron and a jackass....
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"The thing is Bob, its not that I'm lazy...its that I just don't care."
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Old 10-17-2013, 07:15 PM
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Just wait for the owner to complain to anyone who will listent, about what a piece of junk his E300 is after it blows up at "only" 400kmi. Not that it's likely to make it that long with the condition described. Complete maroon. Amazing.

Boise, ID

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Old 10-17-2013, 07:20 PM
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What an idiot! He's spending more on makeup fluids than he would have to properly maintain the vehicle.
Whoever said there's nothing more expensive than a cheap Mercedes never had a cheap Jaguar.

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08 Suzuki GSX-R600 M4 Slip-on 26,xxx miles
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Old 10-17-2013, 07:24 PM
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Has the car even passed 200k yet???
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"as I ride with my a/c on... I have fond memories of sweaty oily saturdays and spewing R12 into the air. THANKS for all you do!

My drivers:
1987 190D 2.5Turbo
1987 190D 2.5Turbo
1987 190D 2.5-5SPEED!!!

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1987 300TD
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Old 10-17-2013, 07:46 PM
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Originally Posted by Zulfiqar View Post
and I thought I was a moron (people told me) because I was using very slightly used centrifuged and filtered diesel motor oil (swepco product) in my E300D.

Define slightly used and the original source.

There would be nothing wrong with using 2,000 mile oil from a known source. Just because good oil is removed from an engine does not suddenly make it bad when you drain it. Having it tested is an even better idea as you can determine oil life left.

Centrifuged oil filters are common on over the road trucks so filtering slightly used oil isn't a big deal.

Here is an example of "used" oil not being "bad".

Changed oil in Moms car, checked other fluids, coolant was a bit low. Advised her to watch coolant level. A month or two later later the level dropped and I advised that the car needs looked at.

Dad drove the 25 miles to my house and literally a block away it started dumping coolant into a cylinder and exhaust. Walking to the car I determined that no coolant was entering the oil and proceeded to drive it the final block. ( Motor was never above normal operating temp )

This engine had been getting an ever increasing wrist pin rattle but my plan was to wait for a head gasket failure then change pistons a the same time. Pulled the motor, new pistons and rings, rod and main bearings, ground the valves, slight head mill and dumped the now 400 mile old oil back into the engine. There was noting wrong with the oil and it would be silly to put "new" in for no gain.

As for the original car in question, unless whunter establishes up front and on the phone that service calls are $ X before a truck rolls, this kind of thing will continue to occur. I'm guessing if the car owner was told up front that there is a road call fee they would have found another service provider.

Last edited by 97 SL320; 10-17-2013 at 08:17 PM.
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Old 10-17-2013, 08:01 PM
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Great story! If it were not business, it would be worth driving a 4 mi. round trip and a half hour to meet someone that loony. But really, a great testimony to the build quality. I've come across people that believe that you can get 300K out of an MB without doing any maintenance...and this guy's proving it!!

'79 240D
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