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Old 07-22-2013, 09:58 PM
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Originally Posted by Diesel911 View Post
Somewhere in the DIY Section someone made a Power Bleeder from a Garden/Weed Sprayer.
DIY Repair Links
DIY Links by Parts Category - PeachParts Mercedes ShopForum
PeachPartsWiki: Do It Yourself Articles - Mercedes Vehicles
Thanks for these links and suggestion! I'll post later a pictorial of the results..

1979 240D, W123, 105K miles, stick, white w/ tan interior.
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Old 07-28-2013, 01:50 PM
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Home-Made Power Bleeder

Here is what I have made..

240D Brakes: How do I bleed the Master Cylinder?-home-made_power_bleeder-01.jpg

240D Brakes: How do I bleed the Master Cylinder?-home-made_power_bleeder-02.jpg

240D Brakes: How do I bleed the Master Cylinder?-home-made_power_bleeder-03.jpg

240D Brakes: How do I bleed the Master Cylinder?-home-made_power_bleeder-04.jpg

240D Brakes: How do I bleed the Master Cylinder?-home-made_power_bleeder-05.jpg
1979 240D, W123, 105K miles, stick, white w/ tan interior.
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Old 07-28-2013, 01:52 PM
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240D Brakes: How do I bleed the Master Cylinder?-home-made_power_bleeder-06.jpg
1979 240D, W123, 105K miles, stick, white w/ tan interior.
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Old 07-28-2013, 01:58 PM
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I'm still waiting for a 0-60 psi air pressure gauge I ordered online ($1.99) before I give it a try..

I have a couple of questions:

Assuming there is air in the master cylinder, will bleeding the brakes with the power bleeder at the four wheel nipples be enough to take care of it?

After using it, how do I clean the master bleeder before storing? Soapy water?
1979 240D, W123, 105K miles, stick, white w/ tan interior.
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Old 07-31-2013, 01:26 PM
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After adding 0-60 psi air pressure gauge

240D Brakes: How do I bleed the Master Cylinder?-power_bleeder-m03.jpg

The home-made PB is now complete and ready to go..

Should I now go ahead and bleed the braking system at the four wheel nipples? Will this be enough to also bleed the air in the master cylinder?

How do you suggest cleaning the Power Bleeder after use so that it is not damaged by residual brake fluid? Thanks..
1979 240D, W123, 105K miles, stick, white w/ tan interior.
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Old 07-31-2013, 11:49 PM
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That looks good and should work just fine. I would recommend to add a swivel . that way the hose doesn`t get twisted screwing on the cap. my motive had a brass threaded fitting on the hose, and the MB cap and the Universal screwed onto the fitting. they would get twisted so added the Swivel.
Also added a small ball Valve, this shuts off the line when disconnected.

Be sure to release the pressure in the Bleeder, before removing the cap on the MC. you will have a mess if you don`t. when the pressure is relieved, the fluid will suck back into the container.

I have the Motive pressure bleeder, it came with the cap for the Mercedes and one universal cap with 2 "J" hooks and a chain to clamp in on the Reservoir of cars that don`t have a screw on cap. Like my Datsun PU that has 2 tabs that lock it on. the cap for the MB works great.

I used it a few yrs ago on the Datsun 720 PU w/o any problems. I just installed a new MC, and I couldn`t get the damn thing to seal w/o leaking. reset it 3 times.
not sure why it won`t seal now.

Finally broke out the Mity-Vac and tried to bleed them with vacuum. first time I tried this. It is really a PITA to use the vacuum method from my view point.

Ever try to drink something with a hole in the Straw?
well what I find is air leaks in around the Bleeder Nipples and doesn`t suck the fluid. after much frustration, I used some Teflon past pipe dope on the threads, and it sealed it enough to do the job.

The Clutch MC reservoir on the 720 is small and really have to keep an eye on it, and I ran it dry a few times, only holds a Thimble full.

The Pressure Bleeder is the only way to go, fast and easy.

there were three HP ratings on the OM616...

1) Not much power
2) Even less power
3) Not nearly enough power!! 240D w/auto

Anyone that thinks a 240D is slow drives too fast.

80 240D Naturally Exasperated, 4-Spd 388k DD 150mph spedo 3:58 Diff

We are advised to NOT judge ALL Muslims by the actions of a few lunatics, but we are encouraged to judge ALL gun owners by the actions of a few lunatics. Funny how that works
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Old 08-02-2013, 02:11 PM
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Thank you Charlie for your advice.

Yesterday I gave it a try and found that, while the home-made bleeder works perfectly, when the reservoir is pressurized the brake fluid leaks out of the two buttons on top of the reservoir where the fluid level sensors are (the rubber being cracked)..I inquired at the local auto part store and a new reservoir is about $80..was told that individual rubber caps might be available at the MB dealer for about $30 each I improvised a bit and came up with the following (to be inserted in the place of the rubber caps and then tightened via the clamps), which I hope will allow me to power bleed the system. Let's see, I'll give it a try this afternoon. I hope I won't have to replace the MC (I made the mistake of letting the brake pedal travel full length before building the power bleeder while attempting to bleed the system)..

240D Brakes: How do I bleed the Master Cylinder?-cap_sealing-1.jpg

1979 240D, W123, 105K miles, stick, white w/ tan interior.
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