617 piston damage
So I posted some info on another SD that I bought. It had a dead cylinder 3. Thanks to all who posted info on getting the TC guide rail pin out. I removed the head today and found in pristine shape. This engine has no timing chain stretch-maybe 1 degree. I found the #3 piston broken at the top and you can see about 1 inch of the upper compression ring land circumference exposed, but the ring piece is gone. The bore is smeared with aluminum in spots. It is hard to tell if there are scratches at this point. I will pull the piston next to see the full extent of the damage. So, what causes this kind of damage? Also, is there anyone who has had good luck replacing only the affected piston after cleaning up the bore? An engine builder friend of mine told me he takes muriatic acid to remove the aluminum smear. What are your suggestions. Pics to come.
Thanks, Mark in NC "Spark plugs?...We don't need no stinking spark plugs!" 1985 300SD "Der Silberne Schlitten" 420,000 mi Wish these were diesel: 2003 Ford Club Wagon 130,000 mi |
Hey Mark,
konstan did a rebuild not that long ago, he had one bad piston. He honed the bore & used a second hand piston. He has a couple of very long threads about his project. Worth a read. Good Luck !!!
Grumpy Old Diesel Owners Club group I no longer question authority, I annoy authority. More effect, less effort.... 1967 230-6 auto parts car. rust bucket. 1980 300D now parts car 800k miles 1984 300D 500k miles 1987 250td 160k miles English import 2001 jeep turbo diesel 130k miles 1998 jeep tdi ~ followed me home. Needs a turbo. 1968 Ford F750 truck. 6-354 diesel conversion. Other toys ~J.D.,Cat & GM ~ mainly earth moving |
MB pistons are measured... then the New sleeve you installed in the block is bored TO FIT that piston...
IF done according to the FSM you can be in good shape going forward.. as long as you determine what caused your problem in the first place so it does not repeat...
1980 240d , chain elongation, cam marks reference: http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/10414-help-i-need-check-stretch.html http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/305365-9-degrees-chain-stretch.html evap fin cleaning: http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/156207-photo-step-step-post-showing-w123-evaporator-removal-1983-240d-1982-300td.html?highlight=evaporator A/C thread http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/297462-c-recommendations-mb-vehicles.html |
Thanks. I am going to see what he talks about. I honestly think I can get away with it, based on what I see so far. DO you have a link to the reference? Also, is this a symptom of ether use? or Was there just a weak spot somewhere?
Thanks, Mark in NC "Spark plugs?...We don't need no stinking spark plugs!" 1985 300SD "Der Silberne Schlitten" 420,000 mi Wish these were diesel: 2003 Ford Club Wagon 130,000 mi |
You need to be looking for a Factory Shop Manual for your engine....
1980 240d , chain elongation, cam marks reference: http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/showthread.php?threadid=10414 http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/305365-9-degrees-chain-stretch.html evap fin cleaning: http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/156207-photo-step-step-post-showing-w123-evaporator-removal-1983-240d-1982-300td.html?highlight=evaporator A/C thread http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/297462-c-recommendations-mb-vehicles.html |
Thanks. I am debating doing a swap with a good used engine, b/c I am not in a position to drop $3,000 on rebuilding an engine to go into a $1,800 car.
Thanks, Mark in NC "Spark plugs?...We don't need no stinking spark plugs!" 1985 300SD "Der Silberne Schlitten" 420,000 mi Wish these were diesel: 2003 Ford Club Wagon 130,000 mi |
John HAUL AWAY, OR CRUSHED CARS!!! HELP ME keep the cars out of the crusher! A/C Thread "as I ride with my a/c on... I have fond memories of sweaty oily saturdays and spewing R12 into the air. THANKS for all you do! My drivers: 1987 190D 2.5Turbo 1987 190D 2.5Turbo 1987 190D 2.5-5SPEED!!! 1987 300TD 1987 300TD 1994GMC 2500 6.5Turbo truck... I had to put the ladder somewhere! |
If you search for threads by konstan, you will find them. Maybe worth a PM to him, he can give you the lowdown on how the car is now going. He did complete set of rings & bearings. If that bore would clean up & you could get some one on here to sell you a good piston, maybe you could get it going very cheap. Probably would be better replacing all rings & bearing shells.
Grumpy Old Diesel Owners Club group I no longer question authority, I annoy authority. More effect, less effort.... 1967 230-6 auto parts car. rust bucket. 1980 300D now parts car 800k miles 1984 300D 500k miles 1987 250td 160k miles English import 2001 jeep turbo diesel 130k miles 1998 jeep tdi ~ followed me home. Needs a turbo. 1968 Ford F750 truck. 6-354 diesel conversion. Other toys ~J.D.,Cat & GM ~ mainly earth moving |
1980 240d , chain elongation, cam marks reference: http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/showthread.php?threadid=10414 http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/305365-9-degrees-chain-stretch.html evap fin cleaning: http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/156207-photo-step-step-post-showing-w123-evaporator-removal-1983-240d-1982-300td.html?highlight=evaporator A/C thread http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/297462-c-recommendations-mb-vehicles.html |
that depends on the damage done. if the original hone marks are intact, my FSM states cleaning and installing a new piston can be done.
John HAUL AWAY, OR CRUSHED CARS!!! HELP ME keep the cars out of the crusher! A/C Thread "as I ride with my a/c on... I have fond memories of sweaty oily saturdays and spewing R12 into the air. THANKS for all you do! My drivers: 1987 190D 2.5Turbo 1987 190D 2.5Turbo 1987 190D 2.5-5SPEED!!! 1987 300TD 1987 300TD 1994GMC 2500 6.5Turbo truck... I had to put the ladder somewhere! |
Once you are torn down that far... I suspect installing new sleeve would eliminate a lot of labor and questions...
1980 240d , chain elongation, cam marks reference: http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/showthread.php?threadid=10414 http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/305365-9-degrees-chain-stretch.html evap fin cleaning: http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/156207-photo-step-step-post-showing-w123-evaporator-removal-1983-240d-1982-300td.html?highlight=evaporator A/C thread http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/297462-c-recommendations-mb-vehicles.html |
1983 123.133 California - GreaseCar Veg System |
I know of a member on here with a cleaned up bore & a second hand fitted piston. If you want a reco motor then go with new, if you want a motor that runs with out a huge expense go with what I suggested. Or just fit a second hand motor.
Grumpy Old Diesel Owners Club group I no longer question authority, I annoy authority. More effect, less effort.... 1967 230-6 auto parts car. rust bucket. 1980 300D now parts car 800k miles 1984 300D 500k miles 1987 250td 160k miles English import 2001 jeep turbo diesel 130k miles 1998 jeep tdi ~ followed me home. Needs a turbo. 1968 Ford F750 truck. 6-354 diesel conversion. Other toys ~J.D.,Cat & GM ~ mainly earth moving |
New sleeve is cheap and you have a trusted place to start.. which can be done with patience and a three blade honing tool....since you would not be trying to correct anything except the bore diameter... but the other factors in a used bore would probably require a four blade boring stones tool...and the idea of it being bored true to the centerline of the crank.... back to that ' very unlikely' situation...
1980 240d , chain elongation, cam marks reference: http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/showthread.php?threadid=10414 http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/305365-9-degrees-chain-stretch.html evap fin cleaning: http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/156207-photo-step-step-post-showing-w123-evaporator-removal-1983-240d-1982-300td.html?highlight=evaporator A/C thread http://www.peachparts.com/shopforum/diesel-discussion/297462-c-recommendations-mb-vehicles.html |
I do agree with you leathermang.
It is always best to put things proper & right. If it was one of my machines that I make a living from I would be doing a rebuild. Mark appears to want to get the car going reliably for as little $$ as possible. He doesnt appear to be wanting to do a full restoration or rebuild. That is why I have suggested that he may be lucky & get by with a hone / second hand piston / rings. He may be able to do that for under $200 in parts if he only rings that cylinder. Heck its number 3, I suspect you could do it with out removing the motor from the car. There is always a risk associated with that. He probably should inspect all 5 pistons out of the motor. I cant recall if he did a compression / leak down test. If the motor goes back together & runs ok, its a win !!
Grumpy Old Diesel Owners Club group I no longer question authority, I annoy authority. More effect, less effort.... 1967 230-6 auto parts car. rust bucket. 1980 300D now parts car 800k miles 1984 300D 500k miles 1987 250td 160k miles English import 2001 jeep turbo diesel 130k miles 1998 jeep tdi ~ followed me home. Needs a turbo. 1968 Ford F750 truck. 6-354 diesel conversion. Other toys ~J.D.,Cat & GM ~ mainly earth moving |
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