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Old 10-19-2009, 12:42 AM
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Unhappy How Are the 300TD Wagon Prices These Days ?

Well, I used to own an 85 300TD Wagon which I sold about 5 years ago on EBAY for $5000.00. Over the years I have also owned a 1987 diesel wagon an an 84 300TD. For the past 5 years I have been driving a company car that my job provides me. I work in sales. I was just informed this week that starting in January we will no longer be given cars and I need to buy my own vehicle.
Well, I really do miss my diesel wagons. I remember when I sold mine back in 2004 I got over 5k for it. It had 200k miles on it. So I was wondering, what can I expect to pay now for a decent one???
I was looking on ebay today for the first time in a long time and I see the prices seem to have come down. I guess thats because the cars are simply getting older?
It looks like I can get a decent one for maybe $2500.00 ???
I dont really have a whole lot of cash, but I would like something decent.
Would I be better off looking for an 87 as opposed to the classic 85 123 body?
And I do need a wagon, a sedan wont do.
Thanks in advance for your advice!

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Old 10-19-2009, 12:57 AM
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Not sure about TD's but W123 diesels in general, people are all over the place in pricing. I've seen so many over priced cars and I think its a mix of: it's a MB, it's an old MB, it's a MB. Also there is a lot of crap that sellers are trying to pass off for a buck, must be the sign of the times. I just looked at a '81 300D with a grease conversion, didn't run well go figure , the guy listed it a $2600. The car was completely rusted, didn't run well, he jerry rigged it to sort of run....

Sorry for the rant.

*edit* All I have to say is keep looking and don't go for the first one you see. And beware there are many grease car, WVO conversions on these diesels, just make sure its a well running car.
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Old 10-19-2009, 01:03 AM
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These should give you a little better idea. All 123s. Mind you, these are also in the Seattle market.




And, damaged:

Good luck!
1984 300D, 228k, Light Ivory, Java MB-Tex
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Old 10-19-2009, 01:12 AM
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Joseph thanks! So it looks like I can probably get something decent for $2500.00 .... I do like the mint one but its way outta my price range.
I am thinking that Ebay may not be the best place to buy one, they seem to be higher on Ebay as opposed to Craigslist what do you think ?
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Old 10-19-2009, 01:14 AM
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Originally Posted by bmwpowere36m3 View Post
Not sure about TD's but W123 diesels in general, people are all over the place in pricing. I've seen so many over priced cars and I think its a mix of: it's a MB, it's an old MB, it's a MB. Also there is a lot of crap that sellers are trying to pass off for a buck, must be the sign of the times. I just looked at a '81 300D with a grease conversion, didn't run well go figure , the guy listed it a $2600. The car was completely rusted, didn't run well, he jerry rigged it to sort of run....

Sorry for the rant.

*edit* All I have to say is keep looking and don't go for the first one you see. And beware there are many grease car, WVO conversions on these diesels, just make sure its a well running car.
Sorry for my ignorance, but what do you mean "grease car" ?
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Old 10-19-2009, 01:21 AM
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Originally Posted by nycartist View Post
Sorry for my ignorance, but what do you mean "grease car" ?
A car that's been "converted" to run on some sort of oil other than diesel fuel/oil. Typically they run waste vegetable oil (WVO) or worse waste motor oil (WMO). When done properly there shouldn't be any problems, but most of the time the install/conversion is done poorly and the oil they burn is very crappy.

Basically the short of it is that it damages the engine, and many ads list the car is a WVO/grease car conversion AND they state something not working out or the engine doesn't run well. I would stay away from pretty much all of those cars (WVO or grease car), it's not worth the trouble unless you know what you're doing or plan on swapping engines anyway.
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Old 10-19-2009, 11:22 AM
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Maybe I missed it . Where are you located? I have been watching this car on CL it started at $5000 and is now $2900. Thanks
83 300D 227,xxx miles, sold
86 300 SDL 130,000 miles, sold
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Old 10-19-2009, 11:41 AM
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The newer '87 300TD is by far my choice, much more refined, more powerful, quieter, better mileage, and most parts are available used as the many gas-powered sedans and wagons are making their way to junkyards / dismantlers.

The downside of it is the #14 head concerns, and that they only made them in MY 1987, so nice ones are hard to find (truly nice, not just painted up to look nice).

You find a nice one with a good service history, grab it. It'll serve you for many miles, there are lots out there with 350,000miles and more (and that's just miles with the odometer working!).

Gone to the dark side

- Jeff
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Old 10-19-2009, 11:48 AM
Posts: n/a
I haven't looked at the TDs lately, but the newer gasser wagons don't seem too bad. I've been on the lookout for a cheap E320 4matic wagon to replace my POS jeep as a winter beater and "learn to drive car" for the kids. The jeep is unsafe for new drivers and I don't want them anywhere near my diesels; and my wife insists on owning one vehicle with AWD/4WD.

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