Looks like I fixed it for now- time will tell how long this lasts. I was able to remove the silcon from the top layer. It revealed the back side of a PC board. All the connections look good so I left it alone. Next I pushed the 3 prongs that hold the potted assy into the body back( sorry I should have taken pictures). I was then able to push the whole thing out from the pin side. At this point you have a round pcboard with some components all potted in silicon and the 5 pins. I noticed the area behind the pins was hollow- not much potting. This allows the pins to move some when being pushed down from above even with the shims. I filled in the hollow with some hotmelt glue that was stiffer than the potting.
I reassembled the whole thing-adding a layer of hotmelt on top of the board to replace the removed silicon potting.
After installation it now works. In the past I had shimmed this particular amp and even used a c- clamp to help seat it tighter. It only worked for a while. Hopefully this new fix will last.