So I refurbished the electric window switches according to the "how to" and although it didn't fix my problem I'm glad I did it because they were dirty.
So I decided to take apart the drivers door panel and check out the window motor. I discovered it wasn't even connected to anything. So then I was trying to figure out which wires it should be hooked up to. I see there is a green and a black wire on the motor, next I notice a green and black set of wires bolted into a black plastic receptacle on the door itself. Is that where it should be connected to? [Blue rectangle]. Also I noticed the [Black rectangle] set of wires that seemed to be going inside the particle board section that snaps into the door metal frame. What are these wires for? What do they do? I think they came out of the [Blue rectangle] circle in the particle board insert.
If I now have the motor hooked up correctly then it isn't working. If I need to remove the particle board, how is this done? Do I need to remove the clips? (second picture]
Also if anyone has a black metal housing that sits behind the door latch I am looking for one [bottom picture]. Plus I am also looking for a "junk tray" that sits right below the ash tray. Thanks.
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