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Old 11-15-2008, 01:57 AM
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Originally Posted by t walgamuth View Post
Actually, according to my mb illustrated buyer's guide the cd was turob in '81 too. I wouldn't be surprised if it was a mid year change over.
There were no 1981 model year 300CD turbo diesels. All 1981 model year 300CDs were normally aspirated. Around 8/81 or 9/81, production switched from non turbo to turbo 300CDs, and while they made a few hundred 300CD turbo diesels in late 81, they were all 1982 model year vehicles.

'81 MB 300SD, '82 MB 300D Turbo (sold/RIP), '04 Lincoln Town Car Ultimate

Sooner or later every car falls apart, ours does it later!
-German Narrator in a MB Promotion Film about the then brand new W123.
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Old 11-15-2008, 02:45 AM
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My 300D was assembled in 10/81. It is classed as an 82. It has the turbo.

70's Southern Pacific #5608 Fairmont A-4 MOW car

13 VW JSW 2.0 TDI 193K, Tuned with DPF and EGR Delete.

99 W210 E300 Turbo Diesel, chipped, DPF/Converter Delete. Still needs EGR Delete, 232K

90 Dodge D250 5.9 Cummins/5 speed. 400K

Gone and still missed...1982 w123 300D, 1991 w124 300D
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Old 11-15-2008, 09:44 AM
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Originally Posted by t walgamuth View Post
Me either, thats why I quote the book. I do have an 82 300cd though. Its a turbo.

of course the coupes are even more rare than the wagons.

I seem to remember a road test of the first turbo and in my mind it was a coupe, but I have not searched for the may be in a road and track in my basement.

I would have said neither the 126 msd, coupe or wagon came with the turbo to the states until 82.... but it may also be kindof a model year thing 82 model year built in 81, though benz generally ignores model years.
I wrote this to respond to forced last night but forgot to hit submit apparantly.
[SIGPIC] Diesel loving autocrossing grandpa Architect. 08 Dodge 3/4 ton with Cummins & six speed; I have had about 35 benzes. I have a 39 Studebaker Coupe Express pickup in which I have had installed a 617 turbo and a five speed manual.[SIGPIC]

..I also have a 427 Cobra replica with an aluminum chassis.
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Old 11-15-2008, 06:42 PM
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Your example has NOTHING to do with the rotational speed of the engine and EVERYTHING to do with the force needed to push the car through the air. Force required cubes with the square of speed. Less speed = less force, less force = less fuel. Your mileage will rise significantly at 65mph vs 75-80 mph.

Originally Posted by MercedesOtto View Post
The efficiency on internal combustion engines is highly depended RPM. If to low the efficiency is bad and if to high the efficiency is bad. I commute 35 miles each way and a speed on 75-80 MPG. The engine refs 3000-3500 RPM.

Next week I will try my MPG going no faster than 65...we will see.

Still hoping to find a 2.88 axle ....would a 300SD axle fit?
Sadly Benz-less
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Old 11-15-2008, 07:33 PM
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My '81 TD is most fuel efficient at about 50-55 mph--that's a little unrealistic for highway driving. Nevertheless, speed has a significant impact on mph.
RPM's definitely impact mileage, diesel or gasser--you can sit in your driveway revving to 3500rpm for 10 minutes and burn a lot more fuel than at normal idle.
1999 E320 4matic really nice Wagon 135k
1981 300TD loud, rattling family car 180k (TGI sold!)
1985 500SEL gas guzzler 220k (sold)
1978 300D my first Turtlediesel (sold)437k
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Old 11-15-2008, 09:06 PM
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Originally Posted by lutzTD View Post
not sure this works out, at least not for me. I dropped my RPMs by a whole gear and I gained 2-3 city(so far) 5 hwy(estimated due to past difference, I will know when the snowbirds go home) MPG going from the 3.07 to the 2.47.

the 2.47 I have is from a w126, you just have to flip the rear mount. also, when you pull the rear make sure you keep the axles shims as they are sized to the diff.
On your picture it looks like you have bigger wheels as well. How does the 2.47 drive and from which car did you get the axle???
Good Patina Comes With Good Miles Driven.
Drive more polish less

220SEB 1963 (excellent driver with no rust but far from pretty)
300 TD Wagon 1981 (Daily Commuter Tractor)
911 MFI 1973

Last edited by MercedesOtto; 11-15-2008 at 09:46 PM.
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Old 11-15-2008, 09:28 PM
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Originally Posted by MercedesOtto View Post
On your picture it ook like you have bigger wheels as well. How does the 2.47 drive and out of which car did you get the axle???

I LOVE the 2.47. The only drawback is my speedo is off by 40%. also the wheels are large but the tire OD is actually smaller so that makes the 2.47 a little higher. I have a manual trans so an auto probably wouldnt notice the 1st gear takoff sluggishness I have. once I get to 5MPH first is like 2nd gear used to be and 4th is like an overdrive

I was watching my speedo closely with regard to RPM, this is what I have. At 45MPH (corrected to 63MPH) I turn 2200RPM. I think I have mis stated this in the past because I was guessing but this is the right numbers verified today. 4th has all the power I need to climb hills and will accellerate just fine. If I need to pass 3rd is the same as 4th used to be

I took the 2.47 from a 380 or 500 sel I cant remember.

1982 300CD Turbo (Otis, "ups & downs") parts for sale
2003 TJ with Hemi (to go anywhere, quickly) sold
2001 Excursion Powerstroke (to go dependably)
1970 Mustang 428SCJ (to go fast)
1962 Corvette LS1 (to go in style)
2001 Schwinn Grape Krate 10spd (if all else fails)
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Old 11-15-2008, 10:31 PM
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Originally Posted by lutzTD View Post
I LOVE the 2.47. The only drawback is my speedo is off by 40%. also the wheels are large but the tire OD is actually smaller so that makes the 2.47 a little higher. I have a manual trans so an auto probably wouldnt notice the 1st gear takoff sluggishness I have. once I get to 5MPH first is like 2nd gear used to be and 4th is like an overdrive

I was watching my speedo closely with regard to RPM, this is what I have. At 45MPH (corrected to 63MPH) I turn 2200RPM. I think I have mis stated this in the past because I was guessing but this is the right numbers verified today. 4th has all the power I need to climb hills and will accellerate just fine. If I need to pass 3rd is the same as 4th used to be

I took the 2.47 from a 380 or 500 sel I cant remember.
Does the flexdisc fit from your car? I know that on gas cars different sizes are used from V8 to I6.
Good Patina Comes With Good Miles Driven.
Drive more polish less

220SEB 1963 (excellent driver with no rust but far from pretty)
300 TD Wagon 1981 (Daily Commuter Tractor)
911 MFI 1973
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Old 11-15-2008, 10:34 PM
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Originally Posted by MercedesOtto View Post
Does the flexdisc fit from your car? I know that on gas cars different sizes are used from V8 to I6.

I removed the 3 hole flange from the back of an old transmission I had and used it on the 2.47 from the SEL. I guess you can also use the one from the rear you remove but I wanted to keep mine intact in case I didnt like it or I wanted to put in a five speed

1982 300CD Turbo (Otis, "ups & downs") parts for sale
2003 TJ with Hemi (to go anywhere, quickly) sold
2001 Excursion Powerstroke (to go dependably)
1970 Mustang 428SCJ (to go fast)
1962 Corvette LS1 (to go in style)
2001 Schwinn Grape Krate 10spd (if all else fails)
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Old 11-16-2008, 08:00 AM
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Originally Posted by lutzTD View Post
. The only drawback is my speedo is off by 40%.
Is there anyway to correct that?
81 Mercedes 300SD 289k.......SOLD
82 Mercedes 300CD 252k......slow ride

82 mercedes 300 SD...mi Unknown
83 Mercedes 300D ????ksniff..gone too
84 Mercedes 300D 148k........SOLD
85 Mercedes 300TD 386k and holding some one elses project
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Old 11-16-2008, 08:32 AM
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Originally Posted by JackG View Post
Is there anyway to correct that?

I am looking at correction devices, unfortunately there is no cheap solution. there are mechanical ones with set ratios around $80, but Im not sure they will screw on and there are electrical drivers that are much more expensive but infinitely adjustable and again not sure if the threads are the same. I do the calc in my head for free

1982 300CD Turbo (Otis, "ups & downs") parts for sale
2003 TJ with Hemi (to go anywhere, quickly) sold
2001 Excursion Powerstroke (to go dependably)
1970 Mustang 428SCJ (to go fast)
1962 Corvette LS1 (to go in style)
2001 Schwinn Grape Krate 10spd (if all else fails)
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Old 11-16-2008, 10:10 AM
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You can always get the speedo from an 81 300TD. Since its an electric drive (the only one in the W123 line for some reason...) it should be much easier/cheaper to alter it.
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Old 11-16-2008, 12:33 PM
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Originally Posted by ForcedInduction View Post
You can always get the speedo from an 81 300TD. Since its an electric drive (the only one in the W123 line for some reason...) it should be much easier/cheaper to alter it.

in all of my yard prowls to date, I have never seen an MB wagon. what about a later model speedo after 85? arent those also electronic? has anyone made a sender for one?

1982 300CD Turbo (Otis, "ups & downs") parts for sale
2003 TJ with Hemi (to go anywhere, quickly) sold
2001 Excursion Powerstroke (to go dependably)
1970 Mustang 428SCJ (to go fast)
1962 Corvette LS1 (to go in style)
2001 Schwinn Grape Krate 10spd (if all else fails)
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Old 11-16-2008, 01:48 PM
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Originally Posted by lutzTD View Post
in all of my yard prowls to date, I have never seen an MB wagon. what about a later model speedo after 85? arent those also electronic? has anyone made a sender for one?
You can try to modify a 380SE speedo to fit in your car. Forum member Apotheoun did a version of this with his 300SDS had it done with his 4 speed conversion with magnets.

...... There is a lot of thought planning and measuring twice involved before cutting. You will need to invent or create a home made rotational electronic pulse signal generator to run the speedometer, odometer, and cruise control, or you will have nothing to read on the dash.

This is the case with my conversion, which was finally made right. It formerly utilized a poorly hooked up 240D speedometer that was horribly inaccurate, and now it has a correct 300SD speedometer. To make it work though, Kurt had to invent a new signal generator by welding four magnets onto the drive shaft and attaching a nearby sensor, completely hand wrought. It works great, but nearly self destructed in the first two miles due to faulty clearances. The magnets are still bent over from the initial snafu, but work just fine. What a noisy racket that made!
1983 123.133 California
- GreaseCar Veg System

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Old 11-16-2008, 02:45 PM
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Originally Posted by DeliveryValve View Post
You can try to modify a 380SE speedo to fit in your car. Forum member Apotheoun did a version of this with his 300SDS had it done with his 4 speed conversion with magnets.

yeah, not sure this will work for me, the 300CD uses a mechanical pickup for the cruise control and I would rather not lose that.


1982 300CD Turbo (Otis, "ups & downs") parts for sale
2003 TJ with Hemi (to go anywhere, quickly) sold
2001 Excursion Powerstroke (to go dependably)
1970 Mustang 428SCJ (to go fast)
1962 Corvette LS1 (to go in style)
2001 Schwinn Grape Krate 10spd (if all else fails)
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