There's a sensor at the differential? I'm not aware of one, but that doesn't make it not so. I was under the impression that there is an ABS sensor at each wheel, and nothing else.
Of course, check the K40 very carefully, or just replace it if you don't know that it's been done. If it's original, it's due to strand you somewhere. |
Let me add my similiar issue. Every once in awhile if I do alot of short stops and restarts, I will get the dreaded "every light on" on the dash, along with check brake pad wear, check ATS, etc, and the car is in limp home mode, until I shut down and restart, sometimes it takes 2 or more attempts. I have found mine to be a drop in battery voltage. I never get the check charging system, but when using the ACC diags, I notice that my battery voltage is below 12. I think that my regulator, is going out, or maybe the whole altenator. One time while driving this happned, I noticed tach and speedo stopped working. Then like magic it all went back to normal. If I check the OBD codes there is only one, serial communications lost, I clear it and it doesnt come back until the next time I have a problem. I am hesitant to just replace battery when there might be more of an electrical problem. You might only have a low voltage problem. Check by holding the rest button down on the ACC until the diags show up. Then toggle with AUTO button until you get to 24 on the left, the right side of display will show the voltage. It should be 13.0 or higher. Hope this helps
Dennis 2006 E320 CDI Black/Black Leather. Nav, HTD Seats HK stereo 32000 miles. 2000 VW Passat 1.8t 300,000 miles as of Dec 09, 2009 original owner 1997 E300d Silver 300,000 miles As of Jan 05, 2010 3rd owner SOLD |
I've probably mis-spoken Matt. I'm remembering a sensor that tracks drive shaft revolutions and thought ASR used that with the speed sensors in determining wheel slip. I may also be mixing my models up. Wouldn't be the first time.
Terry Allison N. Calif. & Boca Chica, Panama 09' E320 Bluetec 77k (USA) 09' Hyundai Santa Fe Diesel 48k (S.A.) |
#dieselFLEET --------------- '97 E300 '99 E300 |
I am not sure why there is a new battery. We just bought the car and was told that the battery was new within the past year. As for the charging system, I will be giving this some research this weekend to see what the car is pulling. Right now all is normal with the car...well except that the ETS and ABS lights are on.
I take it doing the lock to lock with the steering wheel didnt erase the lights this time?
As e300d97 siad, you can access the battery voltage through the CCU control panel. Is not as acurate a reading as with a multi-meter but you can dirve around with that display showing and observe voltage which can be useful.
Terry Allison N. Calif. & Boca Chica, Panama 09' E320 Bluetec 77k (USA) 09' Hyundai Santa Fe Diesel 48k (S.A.) |
I was trying to access the menu, but I am not sure that I am doing the right thing...I dont have a manual for the car and am unfamiliar with this process...please advise.
The lights come and go....still runs and drives fine |
On CCU press and hold *rest* for 5 seconds to change display to diagnostic mode. Then use auto buttons to toggle to itme #24 for batt voltage.
Ign needs to be on to work and engine ought to be running to measure voltage.
Terry Allison N. Calif. & Boca Chica, Panama 09' E320 Bluetec 77k (USA) 09' Hyundai Santa Fe Diesel 48k (S.A.) |
thanks, I will give it a go in the morning...
So I reached the end of things to check, so off it went to the shop. What they found was low voltage that fluctuated due to some home mechanic wiring and a bad K40 relay. I should have it back in a few days with new motor mounts thrown in for good measure....HOPEFULLY the problem will be eliminated. Thanks to all for the advise, and I will keep everyone posted.
Hopefully your problems are solved! Also, welcome to the board and E300D ownership. Where in NC are you out of curiosity?
‘84 300TD “Mountain Goat” '62 300d Adenauer-350 Chevy - "Max" '15 VW Passat TDI '16 Dodge Ram 3500 - Cummins w/6-speed '68 Mustang fastback '55 T-bird ‘63 Studebaker Hawk |
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