my battery will not hold a charge. keeps draining
I've charged 2 different batteries over night and then disconnected them in the mourning only to find the car still won't start in the evening when i get home from work. its a 1980 300d. could it be the solinoid on the alternator. I've heard that the dreaded c/c servo can drain a battery.
any ideas on what it might be, or how to track it down. Thanks RAY M |
Ray you need to start isolating each circuit in the fuse box and look for a current draw. That will narrow your hunt. Is your alternator (idiot) light staying illuminated after you turn the car off?
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Disconnect the positive cable and put an ammeter in series to it from the positive terminal on the battery. You should see a current draw. Begin removing fuses until the draw stops. When it does, you'll know the circuit drawing the current.
1977 300d 70k--sold 08 1985 300TD 185k+ 1984 307d 126k--sold 8/03 1985 409d 65k--sold 06 1984 300SD 315k--daughter's car 1979 300SD 122k--sold 2/11 1999 Fuso FG Expedition Camper 1993 GMC Sierra 6.5 TD 4x4 1982 Bluebird Wanderlodge CAT 3208--Sold 2/13 |
thanks i'll try that
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