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Old 08-13-2012, 01:45 PM
moon161's Avatar
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IME, Should start cold on grease, glo or no, especially in this weather (if you are in the northern hemisphere), unless your compression is gone. Sounds like fuel starvation, maybe:
1) Solid fuel, unlikely unless you have a cube of lard out back. PHO (partially hydrogenated oil) will start to gel around room temp.
2) Clogged filter- 1 pass of a sheet is a good prefilter, I would by no means stop there. People usually filter through a sheet before going through a 100 or a 50 micron mesh. Filtering in the 2-10 micron range is more typical. I think the canister filter is 5 micron. You've probably stopped everything that your sheet didn't with the filter under the hood. has records of what used to be a really active forum. I'd change my filters, fill up w/ diesel and read over the filtration section. I'd say the most basic & effective filtration setup is called a 'cold upflow' filtration setup.

As far as fuel temp. Research I've seen cited shows improvements in emmisions & power at fuel temp of 160+ *F.

A good book on the topic is Forrest Greg's 'SVO' ~$10-$12 on amazon. This sites the research I've mentioned.


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Old 08-13-2012, 02:47 PM
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I've seen oil stored over 1 year that smelled fine and was good to use. If it's clean, water free and in an airtight container, it will last and last.

Jason J
WVO Designs
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Old 08-13-2012, 04:39 PM
oldsinner111's Avatar
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mine is mixed with 50% diesel,and stablizer.
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Old 08-20-2012, 10:26 PM
Zacharias's Avatar
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Originally Posted by turbozeke418 View Post
What about a small 2 liter tank under the hood to start the car on diesel and then switch over to WVO and then again to switch back over to diesel before shutting the car off? I think that would help the whole thing out a little more??
I have seen pics of that done by relocating the windshield washer tank, not sure if it was a w123 or w126. But it won't be very practical. Keeping a two litre tank topped up will be a pain.

On sedans I have seen pics of people just using small marine tanks in the trunk, but that is less practical on a wagon.

Most important you need more heat than that kit provides. At minimum you need to add wrap heaters to your hard injector lines.

I looked at that kit and frankly I have a big issue with them selling that to someone who lives in NJ. In the ad copy it states it's for use in areas that never fall below 40 degrees. I am not an expert but I would say 40 is optimistic for a single tank system like that to work.

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Old 09-04-2012, 02:26 AM
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The kit is working great for right now on an 80/20 mixture of WVO to diesel. I would ultimately like to find a way to heat it further, but I was thinking when it gets colder I can just change the ratio and add more diesel to the mixture and it should be ok? I think? I live in NJ and in the winter even when it's 10* out the glow plugs come on for about 6 seconds and the car fires up on all diesel.
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Old 09-04-2012, 04:16 PM
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I just wrote a longwinded reply to someone else on this stuff. Check out post 11 here:

1983 240D Greasecar New Owner Questions


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“Let's take a drive into the middle of nowhere with a packet of Marlboro lights and talk about our lives.” ― Joseph Heller, Catch-22
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