No luck so far. Hooked it all back up. Thought I had the metal loops and connectors for the glow plugs. Apparently not, tried wiring one up-and fried it(yes I know they are series, 9v).
Cranked on it enough, not one little sputter.
A few theory's:
Don't have some linkage to hook the pump to pedal/ throttle body. Also the vac line was unhooked. Tried playing with the ip lever--no change.
The ip timing 180' off.
Timing is close, but needs glow plugs to start on a 70F day.
Don't have injector heat shield washers, and some compression is slipping by(only just snugged them in there).
Or not enough compression to fire. Hard to tell, but it sounds like there is some when turning over.
I'll get a new set of pencil type plugs, and hook them to the resistor in place.