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Old 05-03-2019, 10:56 PM
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1978 k-jet wur and air valve operations.

I'm preparing to go drifting with my 450SLC Ttommorrow and got to wondering. I've had a bit of an eratic idle speed usually when it's cold(all the time except at an event once it's all nice and heat soaked and settled 190-205 ish) with no thermostat valve. It has the outer piece and a freeze plug in the bypass port. I'm wondering if I can completely take the WUR and air valve out of the equation and deal with it being a ***** when I'm starting it cold. It's seems down on power like it rich sometimes and the WUR is the one that came on the car after it's long slumber in the bushes. Not doing it tonight but I'd love to eradicate any variables. I've heard the WUR actually does change mixture under different vacuum conditions.
Thoughts ?

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