Originally Posted by Mark DiSilvestro
The biggest issue would be with installing a diesel into any gasser less than 25 years old, in local jurusdictions where those gassers still legally require emissions inspection. Even if the inspector could overlook the fact that there is now a diesel in place of the original gasser, he is still required to check for all the emissions equipment that would be present with the original gasser engine - cat converter, EGR, PCV, vapor recovery, smog-pump etc.
This is a situation that varies from state to state, however I can speak first hand to the issue of installing a diesel engine into a gasser in California, having just completed the swap of an OM617.952 into an '85 380SL. (Full swap thread here -
swap thread and web page here -
SLDiesel.com )
You are correct in observing that as long as the vehicle is titled as a gasser, the inspector or smog check facility, is looking for a gas engine and all the gas emissions crap. The key to doing the swap is to get the vehicle retitled.
Here is the critical information (California specific): There are 4 dimensions to such a swap
[1] If the vehicle is a '75 model year or earlier, you can do anything you want as there are no regulations
[2] In all other cases, the donor engine going into the swap vehicle must be of the same model year or newer
[3] The engine must have all of the smog equipment present and working as was present on the donor car as of the date of manufacture
[4] The engine must be from the same class of vehicle - classes being automobile, light duty truck and heavy duty truck. (no heavy duty truck engines in a car)
The state allows re-titling the vehicle from MP=G (motive power gasoline) to MP=D (motive power diesel).
The process is involved but straightforward. Once complete, the vehicle is inspected by a member of the BAR (not that bar) the Bureau of Automotive Repair. It is their responsibility to determine adherence to 2,3 and 4 above. In my case this was a 30 minute process - 2 for inspection and 28 for paperwork.
Then DMV does their own verification, which is essentially just checking the numbers on the chassis, and then issues a new title. Since diesels before '99 are smog exempt, there will never be a smog inspection.
This is very current information, having just finished the re-titling process last week.
This information is for California- your situation may be different. Hope this helps.