Thread: 300D fuel pump
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Old 02-04-2002, 06:09 PM
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300D fuel pump


Quick question regarding the fuel pump on an 83 300D. How dangerous is it to run the fuel down really low in the tank? In my 98 chevy truck I have heard that the fuel pump utilizes a return stream for cooling of the parts of the fuel pump, and thus they give a 5 gallon reserve, so that the fuel light comes on at that amount to protect the fuel pump. I dont knwo how a diesel pump works, so Id liek to know. Does it use a return fuel stream to cool the diesel pump? I have heard that people who let the chevys go way low often have charred wires or burnt out fuel pumps. I dont want to have that happen to any car of mine, so I just want to make sure if it is an issue. Id get gas at 1/4 tank anyhow, but just want to be sure. Thanks

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