Well I might as well admit the shameful thing I did in a fit of total frustration. I CHOPPED the bracket in half and made some aluminum "splints" to put it back together. In defence of this shameful loss of cool, some other hack had already tried to get in there and had already broken one side. Maybe someone else knows how to do it. You better just jump in there cause life without that switch might get uncomfortable, its 28 degrees up here
1985 Euro 240D 5 spd 140K
1979 240D 5 spd, 40K on engine rebuild
1994 Dodge/Cummins, 5 spd, 121K
1964 Allice Chalmers D15 tractor
2014 Kubota L3800 tractor
1964 VW bug
"Lifes too short to drive a boring car"