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will70724 05-16-2008 01:16 AM

92 sel 600... 3rd brake light??
I cant seem to find the answer to this question. I have a 92 sel 600 the third brake light is out. I'm assuming its the fuse?? Which fuse box is the third brake light located and anyone have an idea which fuse number it is?

Thanks in advance guys.

johnathan1 05-16-2008 01:22 AM

Are you sure the light bulb isn't just bad?

will70724 05-16-2008 01:49 AM

To tell you the truth I'm not even sure I got a fix it ticket like a month ago, I figured it was the fuse? THe brake light is in the backseat behind the backseat actually up against the rear window. How would I check that bulb? And if its not that does anyone know the fuse number for it?

johnathan1 05-16-2008 02:03 AM

I doubt there is a fuse JUST for that lamp. If a fuse were bad, I would think none of the rear lights would work.

I'm not sure how your lamp is set-up, but there is usually a cover you can pop off to get to the bulb. Then just take the bulb to autozone, and they will give you a replacement.

will70724 05-16-2008 04:53 AM

will check tomorrow. Thanks.

will70724 05-16-2008 05:02 AM

Actually I just went out there now, and checked it, the bulb visually looks fine, the little connectors in there are fine there not broke in half or nothing. Could a bulb be blown out and look fine visually?

Ferdman 05-16-2008 06:01 AM

will, I suggest you replace the bulb. It's likely the base has developed flat spots over time so it doesn't light ... commom problem that I've experienced with brake lamps/lights.

gmercoleza 05-16-2008 07:31 AM

Why not apply some voltage to that bulb and see if it lights up? Visual inspection doesn't always work.

wbrian63 05-16-2008 08:17 AM

Are you getting a lamp-out warning when you step on the brakes? You should be - it's the yellow indicator on the dash with the lightbulb symbol.

The bulb is a dealer-only item. It's halogen.

I ran circles trying to get the lamp warning light to go out on my car without success - the 3rd stop lamp was the culprit, as the PO had replaced the halogen bulb with a standard bulb. Fewer watts to drive the standard bulb = light out circuit thinks the bulb is out.

The wire for the lamp runs under the rear package shelf towards the passenger side of the car and from there into the trunk.

It's most likely the bulb.

will70724 05-16-2008 08:35 PM

nope, no lamp out warning at all. I thought it would of been the fuse, just havent been able to figure out what number it is yet.

will70724 05-20-2008 09:10 PM

any idea? i still cant find the exact number or where the fuse would be?

will70724 05-27-2008 12:43 AM

checked all the fuses ( good) checked the bulb itself, looked good? what else can it be?

johnathan1 05-27-2008 01:50 AM

Just because the bulb looked okay, doesn't mean it really is...

Try replacing it with a new couldn't cost very much.

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