Hello I know about the torque limiter in P and N. The car was hit in rear and repaired. I just returned from body shop and on drive home ran great, except acted like in P or N while driving. At 4k limiter came on.I replaced the battery it went bad from impact, charging ok. Where do I look for limiter switch??? Transmission, consul shifter, Bell housing? HAMMER ( It's a German one) I'm hoping it's just a wire or snapped off in accident. Car ran like a race horse b-4 just problem w/limiter. These e420's haul....when limiter off.Also problem b-4 accident throttle has lots of play b-4 active,Cable good , tried adjusting slop in cable but the RPM would go up and down 500 to 800rpm is there a TPS that needs to be adjusted after cable tension is taken up? (by throttle body)? BTY this group has been most helpful with info....

20mpg in town but 28 to 30 on road at 80 mph to 95. Best at 90 to 95 on cruise.
Also need to add that the cruise control on the way home is now also not working. I'm sure that it's related to this governor problem. If anyone can help that would be great.