"VVVVRRRR" sound on first AM startup until oil pressure needle reaches "3".
I am not sure if it is cause for concerns, but when I start my car for the first time for the day, about a second after it starts, there is this brief "VVVVRRRR" sound from the engine compartment. This sound is not easy to explain, but "VVVVRRRR" is the best way I can explain it. It is sort of like a sander, or a saw cutting tin.
It seems to stop when the oil pressure needle reaches "3", which is almost instantly (at least within a second). I do not recall it doing this before I put on the new oil filter, but it may have. I am not sure what it is. Power steering pump, tensioner? My air pump is disconnected, so its not that.
It does not do it at any other startup, other than the first one. Also- there is no chain rattles from the engine.
Any opinions?