
View Full Version : Off-Topic Discussion

  1. Health Coverage Reform NOT Health Care Reform
  2. wireless mouse
  3. vehicle maintenance records
  4. This should clear up any confusion about salvaging parts from the "clunkers".
  5. The Lewin group and healthcare reform.
  6. Interesting reading on health care
  7. Gardener inc. - ever deal with them ?
  8. Finally Bought a New Camera!!!
  9. How long untill the president gets shot ? The right wing has gone completely insane !
  10. Good use for clunkers
  11. Anyone ever try online dating?
  12. I'm on the mend- went to work today
  13. Who is "The Stig"?
  14. Equal outcomes in social matters: pro life excesses
  15. A different shade of green
  16. need to repower a pressure washer
  17. Question about buying or selling a house or property...
  18. Looking at this old SL
  19. Dog Parvo worry
  20. Old Top Gear:Mercedes reviews
  21. Dude! Sal Dennison!
  22. W.H. backs away from public option
  23. Lightning Strike
  24. dual disc clutch for my Dodge with cummins?
  25. internet television
  26. A moment of silence, please
  27. "Pawn Stars:" History channel reality show
  28. Calling All Atheists
  29. Opinions needed on mini laptops
  30. Taste For The Exotic Threatens Species
  31. Free Health Care Fair in LA for 8 Days
  32. Went to the NRA range in Fairfax, Va yesterday
  33. Is what’s good for Joe the Plumber, good for Dr. Roxana?
  34. Horror on Thursday afternoon.
  35. How to Restore Licence Plates?
  36. POTUS Get Grilled by New Press Corp
  37. OT but its in german and car related.
  38. Always wear a helmet
  39. Karma in a Tortilla
  40. Posting from 30,000 feet!
  41. Wifes friend wants to borrow some coin
  42. Truth about the "death panels"
  43. 300ce violated last night
  44. US enemy no.1 for Pakistan.
  45. Health Care..What the libs wont tell you...
  46. Coon Man...Urban hunter..
  47. Not your average Google Street View
  48. Service record surprise
  49. men's underwear sales
  50. 1956 300C Adenauer on eBay
  51. Answer to Who The Greatest Guitarist is
  52. Never heard of this guy.
  53. Now I want to build a waterslide!!!!
  54. OMB Cookies controversy! Overreacting, fear monger, nut jobs at it again! Oooops!
  55. My winter car dilemma
  56. Like I need another reason to not fall off a ladder
  57. JetBlue: 30 Day Pass for $599
  58. Has Anyone Seen My WordPerfect CD
  59. Haunting of Abbey Road
  60. Peachparts roadside assistance program
  61. Posting from utube
  62. Who Is The Best Guitarist?
  63. Even Yankee Haters Can Appreciate This: Camp Sunshine
  64. Gitmo to the great white north.
  65. Who likes Janis Joplin?
  66. Mercedes hangman game
  67. What do you think of this video cam?
  68. Hitler did shake hands with Owen.
  69. It aint over till it's over
  70. Samoa Shifts to the Right
  71. Bought my college textbooks today
  72. Google checkout
  73. The 300TD and I are off to Vermont
  74. This Is Not How We Make Friends Abroad
  75. GMC question
  76. Sigh
  77. Lord of War...arrested!
  78. time value of money/finance question
  79. Looking for an established independent sales rep. in the Midwest
  80. music in other languages?
  81. Speaking of Feeling Old ... Started College at 12 - And Now Off To Law School
  82. Dogwood stem cankers
  83. CVTs
  84. This is freaking creepy...
  85. Great story....truly
  86. bankruptcy? have you or will you need to?
  87. Interesting Income Tax Statistics
  88. Interesting helicopter pic
  89. Engine rebuild practices question
  90. Eat your fish!
  91. Out of touch "leadership"
  92. attention central FL peoples
  93. Should some folks contribute more for gov't health care?
  94. Compuiter mystery of the day, printing pdf
  95. Time to Seriously Consider Salad
  96. Your first car
  97. Oh, I'm Feeling So Old
  98. Looking at this 560 SEC...
  99. Craigslist posting question, apartment
  100. Does Roe v Wade prohibit National Health Care
  101. Propane Tank Exchange Warning
  102. local San Diego news
  103. Police ultimatum to drug dealers: Quit, or go to prison
  104. Really digging the new E-class
  105. Interesting American historical legal fact of the day
  106. Sorry I haven't talked to you lately but I had a heart attack on Monday morning
  107. Bendix rear brakes
  108. Need help with sentance structure/meaning
  109. Look at this Hipster
  110. did big brother just sell us out?
  111. Question for the Pilots here
  112. Oh, KeithO say its not so!
  113. Dog barking complaint
  114. New TDI's anyone?
  115. 2010 4cyl in USA from MB?!
  116. mercedes as a tow car
  117. Peach Parts?? WTF is this?
  118. Dodge Ram rant
  119. Plot by four women leaves unfaithful man bound, humiliated and, uh, glued
  120. Craigslist "Log In"
  121. Rupert: Fair & Balanced is Going to Cost You
  122. When people you work with quit
  123. How to convince someone to by Mercedes
  124. Gents, Here are the "New Rules"
  125. CNN: Please, Leave Lou Alone!
  126. Forgetting Things Since Your 40's? It Was Your HDL!
  127. Man Has No Dates, No Sex In 25 years. Shoots Up Women's Fitness Club. Kills 3.
  128. Return Volvo leased car tomorrow
  129. Steers #73.1 and #28 are fully committed to the BHF grass-fed beef program.
  130. ebook readers?
  131. Odds of something nice here.
  132. Size of container ships
  133. Put the health care reform bill online, now?
  134. Turn in your Neighbor
  135. Back Surgery #@%$&*!
  136. What is Pres. Bill up to now?
  137. Securing Laptop in Dorm
  138. Citizen Kane - What's the deal?
  139. Right wing mob action being employed to stop health care reform
  140. Things are getting strange here in sleepy Lafayette Indiana
  141. JOIN B.O.O.O.O.M.B! TODAY!!!
  142. Costco/Kirkland Libations
  143. Laughing Yoga
  144. Crazy 'em here
  145. And the Scams continue
  146. Does anybody have any experience on shipping a MB from Europe?
  147. New Craigslist Scam?
  148. Anyone want a free TV mount?
  149. Finding a 50's or 60's truck
  150. applied for real college..
  151. Where do the old new cars go?
  152. Kids these days
  153. "What would I want to get rid of it for?"
  154. Cash for Clunkers HORRIBLE engine killing
  155. "Birthers"...what do you think?
  156. Caterpillar ID please
  157. Official U.S. history of atomic bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki is more fiction
  158. Anybody watch "Superjail"?
  159. August roll-call!
  160. People downloading music think agian
  161. what's up guys...
  162. Sweatin' in Seattle
  163. What kind of music you guys like?
  164. Hangover... the movie
  165. Happy Birthday MGBURG
  166. Town hall meetings disruptions
  167. wow, now the county offers $1000 to scrap our cars...
  168. Fridge Not Cold -- Worth Trying to Fix?
  169. I'm finally back
  170. May they rest in peace, Cash For Clunkers Victims
  171. Battlestar Galactica curiosity
  172. Audi and Mercedes... any relationships?!
  173. Rand Corporation reports that the VA outperforms other US medical care systems
  174. Ferrari News: New Car, Old Driver
  175. How does Facebook choose your potential friends?
  176. All aboard! my homeless is now yours.
  177. Spider ID
  178. payless glass sucks
  179. Pretty/Sexy Women -- Who Piss You Off...
  180. VW blue sport convertible diesel
  181. Scientists Claim New State of Matter Created
  182. The brilliance, when will it stop?
  183. 1991 Toyota Previa Startup
  184. Texas Barbeque
  185. Better gas mileage
  186. The Ultimate Man-Grill
  187. Fast Service and Great Price from the Peachman
  188. I got engaged yesterday
  189. Spinal decompression.....anyone try it?
  190. A Geek Looks Back
  191. So: Who Invented the "Two Black Men" w/Backpacks?
  192. laptop battery question
  193. Don't heat brake cleaner.
  194. By gum, BUY GUM!!
  195. Try this in your home shop
  196. Yikes! (w124 owners might not want to look...)
  197. Does anyone still make inexpensive wood garage doors?
  198. Just got buzzed by a B17!
  199. Invaded by WORMS...HELP!!!!
  200. Random question.... pizza
  201. Snake in the water
  202. I'm bored
  203. Bernacke Held His Nose
  204. I love the Mercedes Benz commercials.
  205. Raise a glass in celebration
  206. Canadian wolves: "Smoke a Pack a Day"
  207. China executes drunk driver for killing four
  208. Shot Down In Flames
  209. What was this thing I saw, in SoCal, anyway?
  210. Fixing things, why does it feel so good.
  211. Tired of losing?.....LAST PIC WINS
  212. The F-22: the Republican stimulus plan
  213. Laser Spark plugs
  214. Helicopter Aerobatics
  215. Rant
  216. The Rise and Fall of Moscow
  217. pull-a-part, best thing since sliced bread.
  218. Would you buy a Prius if you had the cash?
  219. Another Computer Question
  220. Mahindra diesel pick up truck
  221. My C230's problems...apprently newer MB's aren't so great?
  222. Craigslost. jeez.
  223. Not your typical uptight Wedding Entrance
  224. Got a corporate question, tax related...
  225. Got a good deal at Lowes today!
  226. Microsoft 7
  227. Epic frustration (another wood finishing post) ...
  228. MLB Perfection
  229. What a way to die
  230. NJ Corruption Crackdown
  231. Deadliest warrior
  232. Another toy...
  233. Who was right?
  234. Windmill
  235. craigslist. its bitter sweet
  236. Trip from Ohio To Yellowstone In a New 911
  237. My Long, Hard Quest is over... I now have a woody Wagoneer!
  238. Looking for the "land of opportunity".
  239. Going to a Reunion
  240. Stripped Spark Plug Threads
  241. Another Star Lost to the Grim Reaper
  242. Denying Warranty for Wrong Grade Gas
  243. CA looking into making pot legal
  244. Erin Andrews - Man I feel bad for her
  245. Concrete patio
  246. Someone should buy one of these....
  247. Kayaker saves tugboat crew
  248. Grant money
  249. Pension restructuring
  250. Own a katana?