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Old 08-02-2005, 12:10 AM
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JimF JimF is offline
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Tnx for the info . . .

Originally Posted by ML320
JimF, AFAIK they are no longer passive inductance sensors but are active using "AMR technology", which may explain the high failure rate.. :-(
There might be some info on the BOSCH USA website.

Also, here's some AMR stuff:

. . I was at my tech's shop last week and he had just replaced one of the "new-fangled" CKP sensor. He said that he regularly replaces most of the new car's CKP sensor. That was news to me.

As an engineer, one says there must be a better mousetrap. . . and the newer versions of CKP sensor made with AMR technology must that product.

But in truth, what it is, is cheaper, not better. It's "better" because it cheaper for the manufacturer, Mercedes to produce. But for the customer, it's most costly because they fail.

The wire wrapped around the ferrite will last forever as evidenced by the low replacement rate: in 12 years, at his shop, I've never seen one replaced on a 90's car.

Amazing world, isn't it???
Regards . . . . JimF
'94 S500 Cpe

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