I can't really tell you the best way. I can tell you how I did. You should probably start by removing the steering wheel. If you have an airbag, it is held in by two #30 torx bolts from the back. First detach your battery!! Once the airbag is removed, you will need a 10mm Allen wrench for the steering wheel bolt. The vent to the left of the instrument cluster comes out fairly easily. Remove the air directional grate by pulling from the edges. Then there are 4 retaining clips which you just have to kind of pry up and work out. Once you get there, you will know what I mean. This should give you enough access to maybe get your arm in from the back and work the instrument cluster out. You may also be able to get your arm in to tighten it without removing the cluster. It is rather tight though. Good Luck
1988 190E 2.3 (178,000)
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