property crimes
laurencekarl]What is it like 70%-80% of all accidents are facilitated by alcohol or inattentiveness at the wheel? Traffic cops and the populist legislators can suck my acrid, burning tires. Oh and another thing accidents are treated with the same disdain. If they can't fine someone they aren't interested.
Maybe when people stop killing themselves and each other due to their inattention and own stupidity on the roads, the Police will back off. Your opinion is traffic cops are not necessary. When things turn pear shaped, I'll bet the first person you call is a cop. If people wern't so inattentaive as you say, they wouldn't get caught in the first place! Your belief is enforcement is a waste of your tax dollars. Fine, it's a voluntary contribution scheme that you obviously regularly contribute! Accidents, no such thing, crashes don't happen by accident and if someone were to total your pride and joy or worse injured someone in your vehicle. You would be the first to start bleating and demanding the party at fault be charged. So don't blame the Police when they are always called by the innocent party, who demands enforcement action. I've never heard of a cop holding someone down, forcing them to drink then force them to drive, same with any other offence. So don't blame them. They are only enforcing your laws. Do the crime, do the time, accept responsibilty for your actions and accept the consequences, don't blame them for your actions, you know the rules and chose to ignore them.