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Old 04-17-2005, 10:30 PM
dgbenz dgbenz is offline
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Posts: 2
1984 Speedo/Odom Unanswered!!!

On a thread last week I posted the following:YO MB owners, Help Please! Speedo works fine but Odom stopped working after pressing reset button. Does this car have electronic odometer or is it like my 1984 (190D). I had the same problem with my 190D and fixed it by sliding gear back into place. Glued a piece of thin plastic in front of gear to keep it from moving too much. It's been working a long time so far. Does the 380SL have the same set up? Having a hard time getting instrument cluster to come out. Is there a special trick to it? I'am pretty sure you have to turn the steering wheel to get it out, but still can't do it. Any help will be greatly apprecitated. THANKS!!!
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