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Old 05-01-2001, 12:16 AM
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Gilly Gilly is offline
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OK, Wayne, here's some work for you. First of course, the fuses. These are both in the main fuse box by the brake booster. Fuse 9, powers up the Combination relay module. The power input from there is socket 7 at the realy module, hot with key "on". Fuse 9 also supplies power to the hazard switch for the signal to the relay module for hazards "on". Fuse 6 provides power to the turn signal switch for signalling turns, so check that one, too. `OK, heres some info direct from the ETM, this all pertains to connector 2 (the larger connector on the relay module:
Connector 2, socket 3 Main ground to W1 (ground behind cluster)
socket 6 Right turn signal input from signal switch (should be 12V with key on and signal in right turn position
socket 7 power from fuse 9
socket 9 Hazard flasher control lamp signal (output) 12V with exterior lamps "on"
socket 10 hazard flasher signal input (with hazard switch "on" 12V
socket 12 left turn signal input (see socket 6 above)
socket 15 left turn signal output (self explanatory)
socket 19 right turn signal output " " " " "
The outputs at 15 and 19 are both for the lamp units and the instrument cluster.The lamp monitor is only controlling the park lamp outputs in this area of the system, I know it is actually controlling more than is shown here, but not the turn signals. Many of the pins on the relay module are note noted in this diagram. The relay module has control over the turn signals, rear window defroster (on the hardtop) wiper motor, and anti-theft alarm. Hope this helps you out, let me know if you need any more help, and also let me know how it's going.......Gilly
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