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Old 03-14-2005, 09:15 PM
83-240D 83-240D is offline
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Location: Geographically challenged on the S.W shores of Lake Michigan in S,E Wisconsin
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Originally Posted by mb123mercedes
Since you seem to have no regard for this car, I would
gladly take it off your hands and give it the proper care
it deserves.

This will leave you free to purchase a new Dodge Viper.
Voila- instant tire burner.
And you can beat the crap out of that, without fear of
breaking the car.

i just happened to be at the local dc dealer today and after walking past the 230 kompressor, 1998, 28g's, and the fastback and convert 230 er, uh, crossfires 41 g's, i was stunned when walking in the door and layed my eyes on a new viper, black on black, top up convert, sold tag on the mirror, 84 big ones. it weas gorgeous. the black was shiney and hid all the curves from a head on look. peered underneath at the trayed bottom open only at the rear diff, rear lower disperser(forget what its called) looked awesome and thru the holes you could see rear end parts.

now if only the r/t came in a convertable i might sell the house. well maybe not. after this last problem with the van the wife said....."no more chryslers, okay?" the ignition locked up solid friday nite after i parked it. of course i had the rear windows open and there was a furious 2' snowfall that night. towing and cylinder work put a 1 week hole in the paycheck account.
[1981 300 td tdidi 165500 dark brown/palamino-Brownie-mine-3k miles of ownership
1983 240d 162+++ Anthricite grey w/ henna red interior and hella lights-wifes car-Red

the above two cars are for sale
and can be seen on the cars for sale thread here. pix also available.

240d-144+ Manilla Yellow w/ palmino interior-greasecar kit-Blondie-the college kids car

23" gt 21 speed still on original tires-still got the nubs
21" khs tandem
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