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Old 02-21-2005, 10:36 PM
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JimF JimF is offline
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Nice job replacing the CPS . . .

Originally Posted by dickiegoodman
Since no one volunteered their expert advice on the crankshaft position sensor (CPS) DIY, here it is...hopefully this will help others with what appears to be a common stalling issue in the ML series.
. . without a lift!! But what troubles me is this thread seems to indicate that it's a common failure . . . and that makes me scratch my head.

On my car and many like it, the CPS is a passive device; it consists of a magnetic 'core' apon which there's a coil of wire. In the car's flywheel, there's four magnets spaced 90 degs apart. As the flywheel spins, the magnetic field induces current into the coil of wire producing a small voltage 'spike' that various ECUs use (and NEED!).

They NEVER FAIL! I've never seen one go bad!!! The resistance is around 820 ohms and if you can measure it, it's good. About the only way it can 'fail' is if you somehow break the wires in the cable by whatever means. But barring that, they just don't fail.

So what have the MB semi-nuts changed this part to??? Maybe it's an active part now containing electronics??? Boy, I sure hope not. . . .
Regards . . . . JimF
'94 S500 Cpe

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