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Old 11-14-2004, 03:25 PM
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yosshimura yosshimura is offline
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Not the wiring harness...

That was changed 24 months ago..... if the first one lasted longer than that, I rulle the new factory replacement out .

The differnce between now and the last 2-3 ovp's... is that the mother f'er started now and drove home before it didn't ... well one of the times before, it died getting out of work, started, and got almost home and died and no more starts.... so I just can not imagine its anything else ... I just hate continueing changing ovp's..... with out finding what's causing it.

thanks on the rain comment, but like I said, highly unlikely, that was sealed very well. I WILL double check it today though... but ... dont' think so.

shoot me any other ideas ....

Its embarrasing at this point ... g/f's 2000 ford focus hasn't had a problem in the same period I have had my my e320 ... nor has my other freind's '02 Civic .....

I took the FOcus out last night, what adifference ..noisey , tires sound.... hit my knee with the dash ..... no pwer windows .... ... funny thing was at the car show (big South FL new car show), every year I vip park in the front..... this year I vip'ed with a ford focus :p , i was parked behind a Bentley in front of an S500, lOL,..... all the fancy cars up front and one Ford Focus..

edit......... Well I was at the car a little bit ago, it happened to rain heavy for an hour or so... took the cover off behind battery, and it was dry as heck back there, not a drop, not residue of moisture, very dry.... so this time water is not a factor .... I let it idle for 45 minutes, and no problem, it didn't shut off, put it in reverse, moved back a bit to simulate what happened yesterday, and it didn't shut off....

Guess, I will drive it to work tommorrow and buy another ovp , maybe the last one was bad or something >>????? the first two I am writting off to water, since they were getting wet, but this one, #3... then again, I am ASSuming its the ovp....
1995 E320 smoke silver / parchment

Last edited by yosshimura; 11-14-2004 at 06:47 PM. Reason: x
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